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- Rocket Ammunition And Rocket Components Rockets
- NSN 1340-00-007-4889
NSN 1340-00-007-4889
Explosive Rocket Description: Gross Weight: 117.7 shipping container pounds and 40080 pallet pounds, Assembled with fiber glass coupler and front sight contains radioactive material and must be removed from the law aluncher after firing and disposed of as radioactive waste | Minimum order quantity: 1 EAPricing & Availability Check
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What is the gross weight of nsn 1340-00-007-4889? | 117.7 shipping container pounds and 40080 pallet pounds |
1340-00-007-4889 Spec. NSN part characteristics
gross weight 117.7 shipping container pounds and 40080 pallet pounds assembled with fiber glass coupler and front sight contains radioactive material and must be removed from the law aluncher after firing and disposed of as radioactive waste
Cross Reference Parts Part numbers that meet the specification outlined on this page and set by the OEM
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates there is no data in the hmirs and the nsn is in a fsc not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.
Item does not contain precious metal.
Represents items with no adp components
The item does not have a critical feature such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application. nuclear hardness properties have not been determined (not valid for input).
Import and Export
Schedule B Codes Definitions:
Parts For Bombs, Grenades, Torpedos, Mines, and Similar Munitions Of War
Tanks, Artillery, Missiles, Rockets, Guns and Ammunition
Munitions Of War and Parts Thereof, N.e.s.
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
Explosives, class a, un class 1; maximum hazard.
Fixed and semi-fixed ammunition with explosive loaded projectile (iv).
Ammunition (all types) including inert component parts. when the primary hazard of an ammunition item is a chemical (irritant, c.
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Moderate sensitivity, category iii, aa&e, unclassified