Model: 413719-086
Solid RivetProperties:
A headed fastening device having a smooth solid shank designed to have the shank end upset after insertion.
Part 413719-086 NSN 5320-00-117-6950
Material Classification
Hazardous material, precious metals, criticality, enviroment, and electrostatic discharge indicatorsPackaging & Shipping
Freight Classification
End Items End applications NSN 5320-00-117-6950 is a component of
- Ec-1 Mc-130h Ac-130h An/tcc-77); Aircraft An/tps-068 An/tcc-76 W/s: Deff Comm Meteorl (an/tmq-028
- Satellite An/gsc-39(v)1; Advanced Medium Range Air-to-air (amraam)/aim120a; Communications Terminal
- B-52 Aircraft Support Equipment
- An/uyq-3a (v) 2 Direct Air Support Central
- B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- Advanced Medium Range Air-to-air (amraam)/aim120a Missile
- Satellite An/gsc-39(v)1 Communications Terminal
- Hc-130) Ec-130e Mc-130h Sof ( Ac-130h Aircraft
- Ec-135h/k/p) Aircraft Tf33-pw-102 (c-135e Engine
- An/tyc-39a Central Message Switch
- B-52h) Aircraft Tf33-p-3/5/9 (c/ec-135 Engine
- Ch 47 (rotary Wing Aircraft)
- 004343644
- Speech Equipment
- 009107833
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 012020191
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 009107827
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 011877844
- Facsimile Lightwe
- 011614660
- Electrical Equipment Chassis
- 001172868
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 011619837
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 001066445
- Battery Charger
- 009107832
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 009107828
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 010715552
- Position And Azimut
- 011897882
- Fault Locating Indicator
- 009255658
- Stroboscope
- 010924907
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 001776835
- Electronic Shop Sem
- 009046124
- Electrical Equipment Rack
- 009027574
- Telephone Test Set
- 009076899
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 000803433
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- 013726393
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 011744066
- Trailer Mounted Lithographic Copying Camera
- 009481992
- Indicator Airfoil
- 009370055
- Azimuth-elevation-range Indicator
- 009472525
- Airfoil Crash Posit
- 005663067
- Signal Generator
- 011563964
- Co Chassis Assembly
- 009326468
- Test Bench Assembly
- 009396065
- Aircraft Cable Tension Regulator
- 013635118
- Message Swi Central
- 013726394
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 001697137
- Observation Helicopter
- 011504140
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 008243415
- Coder-decoder Group
- 009609885
- Synchrophaser Assem
- 000061164
- Azimuth-range Indicator
- 000577453
- Radio Test Set
- 011463875
- Satellite Communica
- 014440332
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 000892763
- Radio Test Set
- 011730443
- Mi Measurement Unit
- 008537166
- Frequency Mixer Stage
- 009480076
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 011995262
- Electrical Filter Assembly
- 005049112
- Attack Helicopter
- 012874471
- Access Cover
- 013590083
- Air Conditioner
- 012685105
- Radio Set
- 012782968
- Mounting Plate
- 009649116
- Receiver-tran Mount
- 000818288
- Aircraft Fairing
- 013836741
- Radio Frequency Exciter
- 012551578
- Radar Target Indicator
- 005006525
- Signal Generator
- 010704408
- Ra Transmitting Set
- 012235764
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 000803442
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- 012082727
- Loudspeaker Assembly
- 012179326
- Guided Missile System Test Station
- 012721915
- Tactical S Terminal
- 012719198
- Power Supply
- 012719079
- Power Supply
- 001366599
- Aircraft Environmental Control Valve Assembly
- 008719473
- Communications Central
- 001469904
- Azimuth-elevation-range Indicator
- 009730971
- Wrapping Wire Kit
- 011463260
- Kg-84a
- 013205345
- Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Turbine Nozzle Assembly
- 012316335
- Amplifier Filter As
- 013540597
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 012959833
- Lamp Cover
- 013606292
- Electronic Equipment Hardware Kit
- 001248678
- Telephone Set
- 011560411
- Communications Term
- 009124415
- Direction Finder Set
- 011560456
- Radio Set
- 007585492
- Gas T Generator Set
- 010112861
- Radar Target Indicator
- 012330240
- Radar Set Subassembly
- 010715624
- Radio Set
- 001096060
- Fault Isolator
- 001444336
- Anten Cable Harness
- 001556078
- Ground Handling Equipment Adapter
- 001507072
- Signal Data Converter
- 012747392
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 010769947
- Antenna Group
- 011899885
- Communicat Terminal
- 012095894
- Power Supply
- 002523499
- Sweep Generator
- 011120177
- Radio Set
- 009854115
- Radar Test Set
- 013279838
- Antenna Group
- 011120176
- Radio Set
- 002295417
- Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- 014165187
- Radar Receiver
- 013260710
- Commu Switching Set
- 001069622
- Oscilloscope
- 009666998
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 013746643
- Satellite Signals Navigation Set
- 001555736
- Electrical Power Test Set
- 013230430
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Chassis
- 001653075
- Trigger Pulse-video Amplifier
- 001798503
- Radar Set
- 013942662
- Electrical Connector Assembly
- 008925286
- Noise Level Meter
- 001398547
- Guided Missile Test Set
- 014329406
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Panel
- 013293356
- Digital Computer
- 013260712
- Communica Processor
- 010739858
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 010750631
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 000549374
- Power Supply
- 001434116
- Radar Set
- 002742701
- Reciprocating Compressor Unit
- 014559263
- Angle Bracket
- 010204216
- Observation Helicopter
- 002523501
- Radar Target Indicator
- 014796460
- Aircraft Access Door
- 001387990
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 000113632
- Coder-decoder Case
- 011922478
- Attack Helicopter
- 010364939
- Fuel Control System Test Set
- 010250473
- Radar Target Indicator
- 013590083
- Air Conditioner
- 011684259
- Attack Helicopter
- 001647349
- Venti Door Assembly
- 001647347
- Air Cond Ventilator
- 009046123
- Electrical Equipment Rack
- 003552209
- Electronic Components Assembly
- 013847220
- Aircraft Structural Component Support
- 001664831
- Transponder Set
- 010548789
- Indicator Group
- 011684260
- Attack Helicopter
- 014003217
- Semitrailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 010724924
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 010546070
- Elect Rack Assembly
- 010828404
- Voice Terminal
- 010620959
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 011141358
- Encoder-decoder
- 010726388
- Air Conditioner
- 001866298
- Ca Electronics Unit
- 010545795
- Power Supply
- 001400156
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 004389095
- Radar Test Set
- 010620960
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 001397920
- Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fan Case
- 001434116
- Radar Set
- 012237543
- Input-output Unit
- 014711748
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Control Panel
- 010325469
- Radar Set Subassembly
- 010353814
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 011141358
- Encoder-decoder
- 013634852
- Blank Panel
- 003862087
- Spectrum Analyzer
- 010042367
- Signal Data Converter
- 014003218
- Radar Set
- 002329979
- Searchlight
- 014003219
- Antenna
- 014003216
- Operations Central
- 002989723
- Wire Bundle Assembl
- 013880317
- Light Housing
- 012419710
- Tele Central Office
- 010489678
- Digital Multiplexer
- 010039781
- Intratarget Data Indicator
- 013400901
- Antenna Control Subassembly
- 011463874
- Satellite Communica
- 008571742
- Telephone Line Equalizer
- 002886271
- Radar Data Computer
- 011125836
- Satellite Communica
- 002378891
- Control Test Set
- 010598825
- Radar Set Subassembly
- 010459988
- Radar Test Set
- 014063733
- Trailer Mounted Target Tracking Antenna-receiver-transmitter Group
- 014062090
- Flat Bed Trailer
- 009027574
- Telephone Test Set
- 006577534
- 90 Millimeter Recoilless Rifle
- 004452235
- Radio Test Set
- 010784607
- Countermeasures Set
- 014108980
- Receiver Group
- 010830523
- Power Supply Assembly
- 010725399
- Voltage Regulator
- 010596377
- Antenna Assembly
- 010845293
- Antenna-transceiver
- 010832896
- Anc Key Gen Frame
- 014062333
- Transmitter Control Group
- 004351313
- Support Assembly Fr
- 010641834
- Control Box
- 004043280
- Navigation Test Set
- 010676106
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- 010665318
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 012509557
- Si Modem Converter
- 011668104
- Direction Finder Set
- 004762230
- Aircraft Engine Test Stand
- 010872560
- General Purpose Resilient Mount
- 010761669
- Power Supply Subassembly
- 010843701
- Power Supply
- 005347458
- Capacitance-inductance-resistance Bridge
- 003696335
- Electronic Test Function Generator
- 004193670
- Radar Set Subassembly
- 004216522
- Electronic Communications Equipment Case
- 010688053
- Radar Set Subassembly
- 004216521
- Access Cover
- 010618928
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 010638806
- Radar Target Indicator
- 010877318
- Digit Modem Control
- 010694343
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- 011275077
- Cargo Truck
- 004223301
- Radio Transmitter
- 008920622
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 010713715
- Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- 014110737
- Access Cover
- 010809673
- Lru 12 Indicator
- 000533112
- Oscilloscope
- 004231693
- Interrogator Set
- 010662407
- Power Supply
- 010887202
- Countermeasures Receiver-transmitter
- 010714783
- Radar Data Computer
- 010948505
- Head-up Display Unit
- 006284857
- Degreaser
- 006829337
- Radio Receiver
- 014145132
- Radar Transmitter
- 006202517
- Cowling
- 005046724
- Antenna Coupler
- 011776976
- Antenna Group
- 004421581
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 006431118
- Generator Control
- 011082690
- Control Inverter
- 010920892
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 010918786
- Countermeasures Receiver-transmitter Subassembly
- 004584154
- Antenna
- 009355416
- Air Conditioner
- 013471083
- Electronic Warfare Training Set
- 011315674
- Radio Set
- 009356955
- Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm
- 010628194
- Communicat Terminal
- 004244370
- Electrical Pulse Analyzer
- 001681781
- Air Conditioner
- 010889270
- Satellite Communica
- 010883669
- Cargo-transport Helicopter
- 013153751
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 007249938
- Radio Test Set
- 005383270
- Receiver Subassembly
- 010882679
- Satellite Communica
- 004319339
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 010269621
- Vpa Assembly
- 005721597
- Power Supply Subassembly
- 007859882
- Aircraft Air Temperature Electrical/electronic Control Box
- 011388633
- Aircraft Windshield Panel
- 011571578
- Printed Circuit Board Holder
- 012707626
- Aircraft Navigational Light
- 011280375
- Countermeasures Dispensing Set Test Set
- 011323756
- Power Supply Subassembly
- 007631001
- Radar Set Test Bench
- 011826432
- Radio Frequency Exciter
- 010623618
- Power Supply
- 006922912
- Pulse Generator
- 010854731
- Air Conditioner
- 000866304
- Radio Test Set
- 005430012
- Telephone Set
- 005130738
- Oil Tempera Control
- 005585639
- Mechanical Puller
- 011093258
- Missile Restraint D
- 005398646
- Power Supply
- 001652970
- Radio Set
- 010181246
- Air Traffic Control
- 010683981
- Indicator Control Group
- 006308977
- Antenna Coupler
- 011191196
- Intratarget Data Indicator
- 014145126
- Guided Missile System Radar Signal Simulator Station
- 010694327
- Video Decoder
- 010688051
- Radar Signal Distribution Panel
- 010700276
- Destruct Safety Ass
- 011369330
- Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Compressor Case
- 004953687
- Transponder Set
- 010882224
- Digital Data Modem
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Schedule B and Export
- Schedule B: 7616103000
- SITC: 69440
- End Use: Finished metal shapes
- NAICS: 332722
- USDA: 1
Freight Class: Aluminum rivets
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