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- NSN 7930-00-664-6910
NSN 7930-00-664-6910
Glass CleanerPricing & Availability Check
Submit this form for stock availability and pricing.Product Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "GLASS CLEANER"
Excludes cleaning compound, optical lens.
MSDS Material safety data sheets

7930-00-664-6910 Spec. NSN part characteristics
Cross Reference Parts Part numbers that meet the specification outlined on this page and set by the OEM
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).
Item does not contain precious metal.
Household consumer products
The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Import and Export
Schedule B Codes Definitions:
Polishes and Similar Preparations For Coachwork, Other Than Metal Polishes
Other Consumer Nondurables
Polishes and Similar Preparations (except Metal Polishes, Artificial and Prepared Waxes), For Coachwork
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
Flammable liquids, un class 3 (flammable liquids label).
Soaps, other than detergent.
Office and school supplies and equipment including office machines, furniture and stationary..
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Other or no special handling required (sh)