NSN 4240-01-293-7798
Industrial Safety HarnessPricing & Availability Check
Submit this form for stock availability and pricing.Product Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "HARNESS,SAFETY,INDUSTRIAL"
An arrangement of waist band, shoulder straps and hardware such as buckles and ring, dee. The d-ring is designed to accommodate a life line. It is used for support, protection, raising and/or lowering the wearer working in precarious places such as manholes, tanks, and the like. It may be equipped with a life line and adjustable leg supports.
4240-01-293-7798 Spec. NSN part characteristics
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates there is no information in the hmirs. The nsn is in a fsc in table ii of fed std 313 and a msds may be required by the user. The requirement for a msds is dependent on a hazard determination of the supplier or the intended end use of item.
Item does not contain precious metal.
The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
No special type of cargo code applicable.
Instruments, electric meter.
Construction materials: includes paint and related materials, prefabricated building, wood products, metal and composition mater.
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Other or no special handling required (sh)