NSN Drilldown - Yarn And Thread FSC 8310

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  • SS-C-466 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-8602

    3 ply quantity, 67.000 yards length, asbestos material and location, natural color, ii form nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-8690

    4 ply quantity, 16 size, cotton material and location, white, color assn of the us, 66050 color, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-8858

    4 ply quantity, 24 size, cotton material and location, khaki, color assn of the us, 66019 color, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-8864

    4 ply quantity, 16 size, cotton material and location, khaki, color assn of the us, 66019 color, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • AA-A-50196 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-8949

    3 ply quantity, 3200.000 yards length, o size, silk material and location, taupe, color assn of the us, 66032 color, i type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-9717

    4 ply quantity, 24 size, cotton material and location, olive drab, color assn of the us, 66023 color, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-9719

    3 ply quantity, 40 size, cotton material and location, olive drab, color assn of the us, 66023 color, i type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • VT276 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-9730

    4 ply quantity, 4800.000 yards length, 16 size, cotton material and location, khaki color, ib3 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-9732

    4 ply quantity, 24 size, cotton material and location, khaki, color assn of the us, 66019 color, i type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A-A-52094 thread
    NSN 8310-00-261-9735

    3 ply quantity, b size, cotton material and location, black, color assn of the us, 66043 color, iii type nondefinitive spec/std data

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