NSN Drilldown - Textile Fabrics FSC 8305

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  • C-F-202 felt strip
    NSN 8305-00-264-6155

    Synthetic rubber coating on 1 side , hair cattle fiber material, brown color, 2.125 inches width, 1 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • MILC20079 satin cloth
    NSN 8305-00-267-1574

    48.000 inches width, synthetic resin treated , glass basic fiber material, natural both sides color, 90107 procurement group code

  • MIL-W-4088 textile webbing
    NSN 8305-00-267-3009

    Abrasion resistant environmental protection, twill cloth name, flat design type, 2500.00 pounds breaking strength, min , nylon fiber material

  • MILT5661 textile webbing
    NSN 8305-00-267-3011

    Plain weave cloth name, flat design type, 200.00 pounds breaking strength, cotton fiber material, natural color, 90238 procurement group code

  • CCCC440 cheesecloth cloth
    NSN 8305-00-267-3015

    36.000 inches width, unshrunk features provided, cotton basic fiber material, white both sides color, 90079 procurement group code

  • MIL-C-5651 elastic cord
    NSN 8305-00-267-3114

    300.00 pounds breaking strength, straight features provided, cotton fiber material, natural color, 6000.000 inches length, rubber material

  • MIL-C-5651 elastic cord
    NSN 8305-00-267-3115

    400.00 pounds breaking strength, straight features provided, cotton fiber material, natural color, 6000.000 inches length, rubber material

  • MIL-C-5651 elastic cord
    NSN 8305-00-267-3116

    45.00 pounds breaking strength, straight features provided, cotton fiber material, natural color, 3000.000 inches length, rubber material

  • MIL-C-5651 elastic cord
    NSN 8305-00-267-3117

    1000.00 pounds breaking strength, straight features provided, cotton fiber material, natural color, 2400.000 inches length, rubber material

  • MIL-C-5651 elastic cord
    NSN 8305-00-267-3118

    500.00 pounds breaking strength, straight features provided, cotton fiber material, natural color, 3000.000 inches length, rubber material

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