NSN Drilldown - Semiconductor Devices And Associated Hardware FSC 5961

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  • 1N816 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-0017

    Glass inclosure material, 0.265 inches overall length, 1.000 inches terminal length, 0.096 inches overall diameter, d0-7 joint electronic device engineering council/jedec/case outline designation

  • 9978943 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-1544

    Hermetically sealed case features provided, silicon semiconductor material, 2 uninsulated wire lead terminal type and quantity

  • 9995393 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-1547

    Glass inclosure material, 0.310 inches overall length, 1.000 inches terminal length, 0.170 inches overall diameter, terminal mounting method

  • 10653117 transistor
    NSN 5961-00-077-1841

    Metal inclosure material, 0.250 inches overall length, 0.400 inches terminal length, 0.215 inches overall diameter, junction contact internal configuration

  • DZ870825A diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-2113

    Silicon semiconductor material, u/o gun, aa, towed, 20-mm, xm167

  • HAB020 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-2115

    Plastic inclosure material, 0.375 inches overall length, 0.812 inches terminal length, 0.300 inches overall diameter, terminal mounting method

  • S3700M thyristor semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-077-2119

    Metal inclosure material, 1.252 inches overall length, 0.360 inches terminal length, 0.340 inches overall height, 0.700 inches overall width

  • 850203G1 semiconductor device set
    NSN 5961-00-077-5649

    2 transistor component name and quantity

  • 959525-9 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-078-0625

    Glass inclosure material, 0.230 inches overall length, 1.100 inches terminal length, 0.085 inches overall diameter, zener diode function for which designed

  • 959526-7 diode semiconductor device
    NSN 5961-00-078-0626

    Glass inclosure material, 0.120 inches overall length, 0.500 inches terminal length, 0.060 inches overall diameter, terminal mounting method

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