NSN Drilldown - Prefabricated Tower Structures FSC 5445

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  • 749009-1 tower section
    NSN 5445-00-808-5340

    Flat design type, aluminum material, aluminum material, triangular shape

  • MILT9566 tower
    NSN 5445-00-809-1192

    3000.0 pounds capacity, can be used with radar seta an/fps-3, an/fps-8 or an/fps-6 , 25.000 feet height, steel material, steel material

  • MILT27068 tower
    NSN 5445-00-818-8085

    7 section quantity, 25.000 feet height, steel material, square shape

  • AB637FPS74 tower
    NSN 5445-00-857-0998

    4 section quantity, tower joint electronics type designation system item name, ab-637/fps-74 joint electronics type designation system item type number

  • AB589GRA49 tower
    NSN 5445-00-861-6078

    Tower joint electronics type designation system item name, ab-589/gra-49 joint electronics type designation system item type number

  • D5419X10FTTOWER tower
    NSN 5445-00-867-8568

    Asr7-8 end item identification

  • AB616FPS6FPS tower
    NSN 5445-00-881-0803

    Tower joint electronics type designation system item name, type ab-616 fps joint electronics type designation system item type number

  • 813397AND813398 beach signal tower
    NSN 5445-00-887-0097


  • 526-101-001 tower ladder rail
    NSN 5445-00-890-8458


  • 0001-3961-001 tower section
    NSN 5445-00-904-2727

    1.596 feet width, 2.000 feet depth, box design type, 20.000 feet height, steel material, steel material, zinc surface treated, galvanized surface treated

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