NSN Drilldown - Bulk Explosives FSC 1376

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  • MIL-E-82668 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4211

    Buds or chips physical form, cyclotol filler material, un0118 dot identification number, ex1988010550 dot registration code, packed no more than 60 pounds per fiberboard box; sensitivity grp sg5; unit pkg quantity 60; unit pkg type box, fiberboarg

  • MIL-C-13477 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4212

    Buds or chips physical form, cyclotol filler material, un0118 dot identification number, ex1988010551 dot registration code, packed no more than 60 pounds per fiberboard box; sensitivity grp sg5; unit pkg quantity 60; unit pkg type box, wood

  • MIL-E-82668 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4213

    Buds or chips physical form, cyclotol filler material, un0118 dot identification number, ex1988010552 dot registration code, packed no more than 60 pounds per fiberboard box; sensitivity grp sg5; unit pkg quantity 60; unit pkg type box, fiberboard

  • MIL-C-45113 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4214

    Buds or strips physical form, composition b-3 filler material, un0118 dot identification number, ex1988010553 dot registration code

  • MILE22267 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4216

    Composition h-6 filler material, 7548645 us army package reference number, un0084 dot identification number, ex2008090129 dot registration code

  • MIL-H-45444 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-4218

    Granular physical form, hmx filler material, un0072 dot identification number, ex1988010556 dot registration code, 1.000000 transportation pounds net explosive weight

  • WS3824 high explosive material
    NSN 1376-00-908-6849

    Tetrytol filler material, un0484 dot identification number, ex1988010557 dot registration code, 1.000000 transportation pounds net explosive weight

  • MIL-B-45451 propellant powder
    NSN 1376-00-937-3922

    Un0161 dot identification number, ex1992110131 dot registration code, contains nitrocellulose 40.0 +or- 1.00 pct, potassium nitrate 44.3 +or-; packed up to 50 pounds per container

  • MIL-B-45451 propellant powder
    NSN 1376-00-937-3940

    X8830853 us army package reference number, un0161 dot identification number, ex1992110132 dot registration code, contains nitrocellulose 40.0 +or- 1.00 pct, potassium nitrate 44.3 +or-

  • MIL-B-45451 propellant powder
    NSN 1376-00-937-3978

    Un0161 dot identification number, ex1992110133 dot registration code, contains nitrocellulose 40.0 +or- 1.00 pct, potassium nitrate 44.3 +or-; packed up to 50 pounds per container

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