NSN Drilldown - Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Components FSC 4130

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  • 7481815P28 air conditioning filter element
    NSN 4130-00-051-1723

    6.500 inches overall width, 1.000 inches body thickness, nonreusable design type, 9.500 inches body overall length, mesh single filtering media response filtering media design

  • 7481815P29 air conditioning filter element
    NSN 4130-00-051-1724

    6.500 inches overall width, 1.000 inches body thickness, nonreusable design type, 19.500 inches body overall length, mesh single filtering media response filtering media design

  • 10378-101 temperature control
    NSN 4130-00-051-2944

    Temperature Control

  • 207-707 air conditioning filter media
    NSN 4130-00-051-8660

    1.250 inches overall width, 10.0 absolute filtration rating in microns, 0.062 inches body thickness, reusable design type, 1.250 inches body overall length

  • BM11043 air conditioning filter media
    NSN 4130-00-052-2590

    45.000 inches overall width, 2.000 inches body thickness, 780.000 inches body overall length, 65.000 ft roll; 45.000 in. W; 2.000 in. Thk

  • BM11042 filtering material
    NSN 4130-00-052-2591

    Size 33.00 in. W, 2.00 in. Thk reference number differentiating characteristics

  • BM14321 filter material
    NSN 4130-00-052-2592

    Size 29.00 in. W, 2.00 in. Thk reference number differentiating characteristics

  • BM14318 filtering material
    NSN 4130-00-052-2593

    Size 2100 in. W, 2.00 in. Thk reference number differentiating characteristics

  • FF310 air conditioning filter element
    NSN 4130-00-052-2699

    11.000 inches overall width, 0.500 inches body thickness, nonreusable design type, 23.500 inches body overall length, any acceptable single filtering media response filtering media design

  • FF310 air conditioning filter element
    NSN 4130-00-052-2700

    16.500 inches overall width, 1.000 inches body thickness, nonreusable design type, 18.000 inches body overall length, any acceptable single filtering media response filtering media design

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