NSN Drilldown - Leather FSC 8330

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  • KKL271 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-057-9334

    0.125 inches width, spool unit package type, russet color, unable to decode unable to decode, 1 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • 5000 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-058-7023

    0.094 inches width, black color

  • 5004 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-058-7025

    0.094 inches width, brown, dark color

  • 5004 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-058-7026

    0.094 inches width, unable to decode unable to decode, unable to decode unable to decode, black color, unable to decode unable to decode

  • 5004 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-058-7027

    0.094 inches width, natural color

  • 5003 handicraft lacing
    NSN 8330-00-058-7029

    0.125 inches width, tan color

  • KKL201 cattlehide leather
    NSN 8330-00-116-6620

    0.094 inches thickness, mildew resistant environmental protection, smoothed surface finish, natural color, 2 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • KKL165 cattlehide leather
    NSN 8330-00-170-8226

    0.203 inches thickness, natural surface finish, natural color, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • KK-L-254 sheepskin leather
    NSN 8330-00-170-8229

    0.031 inches thickness, natural surface finish, russet color, a type nondefinitive spec/std data

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