NSN Drilldown - Nonrechargeable Batteries FSC 6135

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  • 2512542 battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5340

    15.00 inches shipping container package nominal overall height and type, 18.50 inches shipping container package nominal overall length and type

  • WS12633-1 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5341

    2 terminal quantity, threaded stud w/nut terminal type, 2.563 inches overall length, 4.656 inches overall height, 1.312 inches overall width

  • WS12633-2 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5342

    4 terminal quantity, screw terminal type, 10.281 inches overall length, 6.750 inches overall height, 2.593 inches overall width

  • WS12633-3 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5343

    2 terminal quantity, threaded stud w/nut terminal type, 10.375 inches overall length, 7.406 inches overall height, 2.687 inches overall width

  • WS12633-4 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5344

    3 terminal quantity, lug terminal type, 1.656 inches overall length, 2.500 inches overall height, 0.843 inches overall width, 3.0 voltage in volts

  • WS12633-13 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-008-5345

    1 terminal quantity, socket terminal type, 2.625 inches overall length, 4.540 inches overall height, 2.625 inches overall width

  • CAP-12261 thermal battery
    NSN 6135-00-009-4100

    2 terminal quantity, post terminal type, 2.560 inches overall height, 1.910 inches overall diameter, top terminal location, cylindrical shape

  • RM1438R nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-010-5275

    1 terminal quantity, flat surface terminal type, 0.375 inches overall length, 1.450 inches overall diameter, 1.35 voltage in volts

  • WB101 nonrechargeable battery
    NSN 6135-00-016-0071

    1 terminal quantity, flat surface terminal type, 1.969 inches overall height, 1.030 inches overall diameter, 1.5 voltage in volts

  • BH792 battery assembly
    NSN 6135-00-025-6382

    Tray mounting method, howell instruments inc component controlling agency, battery rack assembly component name, bh792 part no. Component identifying number

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