NSN Drilldown - Reels And Spools FSC 8130

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  • H4757S cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-547-3659

    Iron material, iron iii material

  • 1907M cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-606-8891

    18.000 inches flange diameter, 25.750 inches overall width, 1-1/2 in. Dia by 2 in. Lg spindle ea end w/crank engaging shaft on one end

  • 4067R196 cable drum
    NSN 8130-00-613-2410


  • 9179946 cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-634-7984

    27.500 inches flange diameter, 17.542 inches overall width, steel material, steel iii material, paint surface treated, paint surface treated

  • 156382 cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-651-7224

    Any acceptable surface treated, teletype fsc application data

  • SC-D-108721 cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-656-1090

    22.500 inches flange diameter, 7.500 inches overall width, type no. Sb-611/mrc end item identification, part of purpose for which designed

  • B2037A cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-663-2653

    4.500 inches flange diameter, 2.125 inches overall width, model no. So-12m end item identification, part of purpose for which designed

  • A2037A cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-663-2655

    4.500 inches flange diameter, 2.125 inches overall width, model no. So-12m end item identification, part of purpose for which designed

  • FP1332-1 cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-664-5073

    21.875 inches flange diameter, 7.625 inches overall width, type no. Mx-1104/mps-4 end item identification, part of purpose for which designed

  • SMD193396 cable reel
    NSN 8130-00-709-6023

    8.000 inches flange diameter, 4.600 inches overall width, type no. An/pmq-6 end item identification, 80058 end item source, used with purpose for which designed

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