NSN Drilldown - Drums And Cans FSC 8110

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  • PPP-T-495 mailing and filing tube
    NSN 8110-01-008-3887

    0.140 inches wall thickness, 3.000 inches inside diameter, 32.000 inches length, any acceptable material, 2 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • A528 shipping and storage drum
    NSN 8110-01-031-8863

    Lift-off top closure method, locking ring closure fastening type, 4320-01-470-5515 cg-p6 portable dewatering pump unit iii end item identification

  • B1813 screw cap can
    NSN 8110-01-031-8864

    5.500 inches width, 7.500 inches length, 5.0 quarts capacity rating, 11.500 inches height, plastic, polyethylene material, plastic polyethylene material

  • MIL-Y-40628 towing and lifting yoke
    NSN 8110-00-856-6243

    Yoke towing

  • MIL-R-52255 collapsible drum repair kit
    NSN 8110-00-856-6244

    Kit contains the following items, 5430-00-720-8864, patch, mechanical flexible, 3in, 4ea, 5430-00-720-8863, patch, mechanical, flexible, 5in, 2ea, 5430-00-720-8858, patch, mechanical, flexible, 7.5in 2ea, 5510-00-255-9493, plug, wood 3in, 3ea, 5510-255-9492, plug, wood, 5 in, 2ea, 7610-01-122-3771, sheet, technical, 1ea, 5330-00-612-2414, gasket, 2ea, 4320-01-406-4900, pump, inflating, deflating, 1ea, 4320-01-397-7318, pump, inflating, manual, 1eatextgfor repairs up to 3/8 in.

  • M52255-2 collapsible drum repair kit
    NSN 8110-00-856-6246

    Repair kit collapsible fabric tank: type ii repairs up to 6 in , ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • PPPC96 screw cap can
    NSN 8110-00-859-2182

    2.875 inches diameter, 1.0 pints capacity rating, printed on side, oil; w/extra screw cap containing a flexible polyethylene spout 3/16 in. Od by 2 in. Lg

  • PPPC96 screw cap can
    NSN 8110-00-859-2224

    3.500 inches diameter, 1.0 quarts capacity rating, printed on side gasoline; w/extra metal screw cap containing a flexible polyethylene spout 3/16 in. Od by 2 in. Lg

  • MS27683-61 shipping and storage drum cover
    NSN 8110-00-865-8779

    19.375 inches outside diameter, steel material, steel material

  • UN 1A2/X140/S shipping and storage drum
    NSN 8110-00-866-1728

    18.250 inches inside diameter, 26.990 inches inside depth, removable cover closure method, locking ring closure fastening type

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