NSN Drilldown - Rubber Fabricated Materials FSC 9320

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  • ASTM-D6576 TY 1, GR A, SOFT CON- cellular rubber sheet
    NSN 9320-00-106-8631

    Cellular, exploded fabrication method, 36.000 inches width, 0.125 inches thickness, 36.000 inches length, oil resistant environmental protection

  • FMC200BLACKQT uncured rubber stock molding
    NSN 9320-00-107-0843

    Not rated environmental protection, unable to decode unable to decode, unable to decode unable to decode, unit package consists of 1 qt compound

  • 178048-1 extrusion channel
    NSN 9320-00-107-4517


  • P5277-2-12 cellular rubber sheet
    NSN 9320-00-108-6500

    Cellular, unexploded fabrication method, 36.000 inches width, -31.0 deg celsius temp rating, 0.344 inches thickness, 36.000 inches length

  • MIL-R-6130 cellular rubber sheet
    NSN 9320-00-108-6502

    Cellular, unexploded fabrication method, 36.000 inches width, -31.0 deg celsius temp rating, 0.937 inches thickness, 36.000 inches length

  • MIL-R-6855 rubber strip
    NSN 9320-00-109-5346

    Rectangular cross-sectional shape style, solid fabrication method, 35.0 shore durometer a nonmetallic hardness rating, 1100 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength

  • AMS 3195 rubber strip
    NSN 9320-00-113-5845

    Square cross-sectional shape style, cellular, unexploded fabrication method, -75.0 deg celsius temp rating, smooth both sides surface condition

  • MIL-R-6855 rubber round section
    NSN 9320-00-113-5960

    Circular cross-sectional shape style, solid fabrication method, 55.0 shore durometer a nonmetallic hardness rating, 1500 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength

  • AMS 3197 cellular rubber sheet
    NSN 9320-00-113-7865

    Cellular, exploded fabrication method, 36.000 inches width, -40.0 deg celsius temp rating, 0.094 inches thickness, 36.000 inches length

  • ASTM D2000 rubber strip
    NSN 9320-00-114-1331

    Rectangular cross-sectional shape style, solid fabrication method, 60.0 shore durometer a nonmetallic hardness rating, 2000 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength

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