NSN Drilldown - Plastics Fabricated Materials FSC 9330

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  • PERMALAM14 plastic strip
    NSN 9330-00-270-6793

    Not specified fabrication method, not rated nonmetallic hardness rating, not rated minimum tensile strength, 4.500 inches width

  • CV21-420514-1 observation window
    NSN 9330-00-271-4613

    1 ply quantity, 3.880 inches overall diameter, 0.500 inches overall thickness, any acceptable environmental protection, clear material transparency

  • 737189-2 plastic strip
    NSN 9330-00-274-8746

    Solid fabrication method, not rated nonmetallic hardness rating, 2800 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength, 1.090 inches width

    NSN 9330-00-275-7163

    1 ply quantity, 5.350 inches overall length, 2.350 inches overall width, 0.250 inches overall thickness, clear material transparency

  • 8436984 observation window
    NSN 9330-00-276-1107

    1 ply quantity, 7.470 inches overall length, 1.220 inches overall width, 0.187 inches overall thickness, any acceptable environmental protection

  • L-P-535 plastic sheet
    NSN 9330-00-279-1314

    Solid fabrication method, 6800 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength, 50.000 inches width, 0.010 inches thickness, 1200.000 inches length

  • LP504 plastic sheet
    NSN 9330-00-281-2998

    5000 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength, 20.000 inches width, 0.063 inches thickness, 50.000 inches length, plastic, cellulose acetate, l-p-504, type 2 material

  • L-P-504E plastic sheet
    NSN 9330-00-281-2999

    5000 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength, 20.000 inches width, 0.094 inches thickness, 50.000 inches length, plastic, cellulose acetate, l-p-504, type 2 material

  • SPAULDITEC705 plastic sheet
    NSN 9330-00-281-3007

    Laminated fabrication method, 70.0 rockwell m nonmetallic hardness rating, 35.000 inches width, 2.500 inches thickness, 35.000 inches length

  • MIL-P-18324 plastic sheet
    NSN 9330-00-281-3008

    Laminated fabrication method, 70.0 rockwell m nonmetallic hardness rating, 35.000 inches width, 3.000 inches thickness, 35.000 inches length

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