NSN Drilldown - Miscellaneous Materials Handling Equipment FSC 3990

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  • 12268173 vehicle cargo tie down
    NSN 3990-01-132-5209

    M109 self prop gun end item identification, polyamide nylon, mil-w-4088 webbing material and location

  • L150-7-1 load binder
    NSN 3990-01-055-1638

    24.130 inches length, standard lever type, heavy construction, heel binder toggles, ball

  • SN1812-8 tote box
    NSN 3990-01-056-2990

    20.500 inches overall length, 8.000 inches overall height, 12.875 inches overall width, 0.080 inches material thickness, plastic material

  • ACR50-24-12 vehicle loading ramp
    NSN 3990-01-056-9128

    Deck plate is 1/2 in. Diamond plate; steel hook s to attach to side of trailer; 12 deg grade angle; height range 23-30 in.; used in pairs

  • 175010 1/4 material handling roller
    NSN 3990-01-058-8003

    2.938 inches diameter, 9.000 inches length, 1.25 in.Id , steel material, steel material

  • SASYR1692/8736-6LO container loading mobile ramp
    NSN 3990-01-059-0104

    81868-sasyr1692/8736-6l0 standard (includes industry or association standards, individual manufactureer standards, etc.) . Test data document

  • 4428A tote box
    NSN 3990-01-060-4089

    14.750 inches overall length, 8.000 inches overall height, 9.125 inches overall width, 0.125 inches material thickness, static resistant environmental protection

  • 65375-04116-101 carg pin and spacer
    NSN 3990-01-060-7561

    Pin and Spacer

  • 65375-04116-102 carg pin and spacer
    NSN 3990-01-060-7562

    Pin and Spacer

  • DC1025 tote box
    NSN 3990-01-063-7185

    10.875 inches overall length, 2.500 inches overall height, 8.250 inches overall width, 0.070 inches material thickness, gray exterior color

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