NSN Drilldown - O-rings FSC 5331

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  • 644009 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-182-4561

    0.100 inches cross-sectional height, 0.607 inches center hole diameter, rubber silicone class q material

  • B2099690G5 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-182-6778

    0.067 inches cross-sectional height, 1.170 inches center hole diameter, rubber chloroprene class cr material

  • A06689.133.142 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-182-6813

    2.068 inches outside diameter, 0.100 inches cross-sectional height, 1.852 inches center hole diameter, plastic polytetrafluoroethylene material

  • 5020-59 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-183-0792

    Ring O

  • 910-122 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-183-0875

    0.089 inches cross-sectional height, 1.330 inches center hole diameter

  • 69494C326 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-184-0404

    0.205 inches cross-sectional height, 1.590 inches center hole diameter, rubber synthetic material

  • 419679-1 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-184-0407

    0.038 inches cross-sectional height, 0.296 inches center hole diameter

  • AMS7276 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-184-3472

    4.357 inches outside diameter, -15.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating, 0.205 inches cross-sectional height, 3.947 inches center hole diameter

  • M25988/2-030 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-184-4064

    1.754 inches outside diameter, -65.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating, 0.067 inches cross-sectional height, 1.601 inches center hole diameter

  • S9412-157 o-ring
    NSN 5331-00-184-6358

    0.100 inches cross-sectional height, 4.457 inches center hole diameter, 125 elongation percentage, rubber material

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