NSN Drilldown - Fastening Devices FSC 5325

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  • 1019740-003 nonmetallic grommet
    NSN 5325-00-039-5604

    0.375 inches hole diameter, 0.344 inches groove width, 0.062 inches flange thickness, 0.468 inches overall height, round grommet style

  • 500074 retaining ring
    NSN 5325-00-040-0425

    Rounded corners cross-sectional shape style, 1.000 inches inside diameter, not casehardened casehardening indicator, 1.406 inches outside diameter

  • 1072388-4 nonmetallic grommet
    NSN 5325-00-041-9722

    Plastic polyamide grommet material

  • S4268644-4 nonmetallic grommet
    NSN 5325-00-041-9955

    25.0 shore durometer a nonmetallic hardness rating, 0.250 inches groove width, 0.188 inches flange thickness, 0.750 inches overall height

  • RG100253 retaining ring
    NSN 5325-00-042-4490

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 0.594 inches inside diameter, not casehardened casehardening indicator, 0.719 inches outside diameter

  • 10931159 nonmetallic grommet
    NSN 5325-00-042-5181

    65.0 shore durometer a nonmetallic hardness rating, 0.688 inches hole diameter, 0.141 inches groove depth, 0.062 inches groove width

  • 202-183-1 turnlock fastener stud
    NSN 5325-00-042-6567

    0.110 inches grip length, 0.335 inches diameter, stud shank turnlock stud shank style, flat fillister turnlock stud head style

  • 202-183-3 turnlock fastener eject retainer
    NSN 5325-00-042-6568

    0.015 inches body thickness, steel material, qq-s-633, comp fs1018 fed spec single material response material document and classification

  • 120016 metallic eyelet
    NSN 5325-00-042-6710

    0.562 inches flange outside diameter, flange flange style, any acceptable color, copper alloy material, nickel surface treated

  • 13083-2REVG grommet
    NSN 5325-00-042-7861


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