NSN Drilldown - Abrasive Disks And Stones FSC 5345

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  • ANSI B74.18 abrasive belt
    NSN 5345-00-192-9341

    3.000 inches overall width, 24.000 inches length, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 40 screen grit size

  • ANSI B74.18 abrasive belt
    NSN 5345-00-192-9344

    3.000 inches overall width, 23.750 inches length, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 100 screen grit size

  • ANSI B74.18 abrasive belt
    NSN 5345-00-192-9347

    4.500 inches overall width, 26.000 inches length, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 50 screen grit size

  • PB172 abrasive belt
    NSN 5345-00-192-9349

    3.000 inches overall width, 27.000 inches length, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 40 screen grit size

  • A-A-1014 abrasive belt
    NSN 5345-00-193-7195

    3.000 inches overall width, 27.000 inches length, wood working usage design, garnet abrasive material, 50 screen grit size

  • PD455 abrasive disk
    NSN 5345-00-194-6028

    9.125 inches outside diameter, 0.500 inches diameter, metal working usage design, arbor hole mounting method, round mounting opening shape style

  • METALITECL0THGRI abrasive disk
    NSN 5345-00-196-0667

    9.000 inches outside diameter, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 40 screen grit size, 1 type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • METALITECL0THGRIT40 abrasive disk
    NSN 5345-00-196-0677

    10.000 inches outside diameter, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 40 screen grit size

  • METALITECL0THGRIT60 abrasive disk
    NSN 5345-00-196-0679

    10.000 inches outside diameter, metal working usage design, aluminum oxide abrasive material, 60 screen grit size

  • METALITECL0THGRIT80 abrasive disk
    NSN 5345-00-196-0680

    10.000 inches outside diameter, metal working usage design, garnet abrasive material, 80 screen grit size

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