NSN Drilldown - Iron And Steel Primary And Semifinished Products FSC 9640

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  • QQC390 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-018-2156

    Cast fabrication method, 1.083 feet length, 9.500 inches cross section outside diameter, round w/ core basic shape style, 30000 pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength

  • QQC390 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-027-0098

    Cast fabrication method, 1.083 feet length, 5.000 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, copper alloy, qq-c-390, alloy 943 material

  • QQC390 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-027-0102

    Cast fabrication method, 1.083 feet length, 6.000 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, copper alloy, qq-c-390, alloy 943 material

  • QQI652 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-027-2869

    Cast fabrication method, 5.500 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, iron, qq-i-652, class 25-canceled material

  • QQS631 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-045-4412

    Hot rolled fabrication method, 20.000 feet length, 4.250 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, 48.230 pounds per linear foot weight per unit measure

  • ASTM A108 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-052-3150

    Cold finish fabrication method, 8.000 feet length, 5.250 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, 73.602 pounds per linear foot weight per unit measure

  • QQS624 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-056-1768

    Hot rolled fabrication method, 12.000 feet length, 5.500 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, 80.780 pounds per linear foot weight per unit measure

  • AMS-QQ-S-763 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-056-1939

    Cold finish fabrication method, 6.000 feet length, 5.000 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, 66.760 pounds per linear foot weight per unit measure

  • QQI652 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-056-9126

    Cast fabrication method, 3.000 feet length, 4.500 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, iron, qq-i-652, class 25-canceled material

  • QQI652 metal round
    NSN 9640-00-056-9128

    Cast fabrication method, 1.000 feet length, 10.000 inches cross section outside diameter, round basic shape style, iron, qq-i-652, class 25-canceled material

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