NSN Drilldown - Bags And Sacks FSC 8105

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  • MIL-B-117 plastic bag
    NSN 8105-00-269-4662

    25.000 inches overall height, grease environmental protection, heat seal assembly method, heat seal closure fastening type, clear material transparency

  • MIL-B-117 interior packaging sleeve
    NSN 8105-00-270-8730

    4.000 inches width, 32.000 inches length, grease environmental protection, heat sealed closure method, heavy duty performance type

  • MIL-B-117 interior packaging sleeve
    NSN 8105-00-270-8742

    12.000 inches width, 32.000 inches length, grease environmental protection, heat sealed closure method, heavy duty performance type

  • A-A-550 paper bag
    NSN 8105-00-271-1485

    13.875 inches overall height, glued assembly method, paper, kraft single wall material and location, 7.000 inches face width, one end opening location

  • PPP-B-20 mailing bag
    NSN 8105-00-271-1511

    9.000 inches overall height, 6.000 inches overall width, stitching assembly method, cotton sheeting, ccc-c-432, type 3, class 1 single wall material and location

  • 6700437 protective envelope
    NSN 8105-00-272-3729

    98.000 inches inside width, 150.000 inches inside length, waterproof environmental protection, heat seal assembly method, heat seal closure fastening type

  • MIL-B-117 packaging envelope
    NSN 8105-00-274-2390

    8.000 inches inside width, 12.000 inches inside length, grease environmental protection, heat seal assembly method, heat seal closure fastening type

  • A-A-550 paper bag
    NSN 8105-00-281-1156

    5.875 inches overall height, glued assembly method, paper, kraft single wall material and location, 3.000 inches face width, one end opening location

  • A-A-550 paper bag
    NSN 8105-00-281-1158

    8.125 inches overall height, glued assembly method, paper, kraft single wall material and location, 4.250 inches face width, one end opening location

  • 80009 paper bag
    NSN 8105-00-281-1163

    10.750 inches overall height, glued assembly method, paper, kraft single wall material and location, 5.250 inches face width, one end opening location

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