NSN Drilldown - Adhesives And Epoxies FSC 8040

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  • M-222 canada balsam
    NSN 8040-00-257-2568

    Canada Balsam

  • MMM-A-182 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-261-8450

    Liquid physical form, 2.000 ounces quantity within each unit package, for bonding components of natural rubber in the assembly of protective masks specific usage design

  • MB100X adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-261-9206

    Semipaste physical form, 0.250 pounds quantity within each unit package, separate catalyst features provided, plastic epoxy material

  • MB175 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-1060

    Liquid physical form, 0.250 pounds quantity within each unit package, separate catalyst features provided, plastic epoxy material

  • EC826 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-7818

    Liquid physical form, 5.000 ounces quantity within each unit package, rubber butadiene-acrylonitrile class nbr material, as differentiated by the quantity within each unit package reference number differentiating characteristics

  • A50A202A adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-7820

    Liquid physical form, 1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package, as differentiated by the quantity within each unit package reference number differentiating characteristics

  • ASTM D4689 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-9000

    Powder physical form, 1.000 pounds quantity within each unit package, use where resistance to water specific usage design, basic material: casein

  • ASTM D4689 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-9002

    Powder physical form, 4.000 ounces quantity within each unit package, for lumber laminating specific usage design, casein; water

  • MMM-A-1617 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-9005

    Mrap - cougar cat1 a2 end item identification, liquid physical form, 1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package, for general purpose bonding applications; not for use as a structural adhesive specific usage design

  • MMM-A-100 adhesive
    NSN 8040-00-262-9009

    Liquid physical form, 1.000 quarts quantity within each unit package, for general purpose wood bonding applications specific usage design

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