NSN Drilldown - Paint Lacquers Coating Enamels FSC 8010

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  • MIL-L-11195 lacquer
    NSN 8010-00-060-6470

    1.000 quarts quantity within each unit package, lusterless gloss designation, pigmented coloring method, 36118 color chip number

  • MPI 138 latex paint
    NSN 8010-00-060-9282

    General interior specific use, brushing as packaged or roller or spraying as is application method, 1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package

  • AA3120-A-001G-17875 rubber paint
    NSN 8010-00-061-4669

    Swimming pools specific use, 1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package, gloss gloss designation, 15.000 minutes rated drying time

  • AA3120-A-001G-13531 rubber paint
    NSN 8010-00-061-4670

    Swimming pools specific use, 1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package, gloss gloss designation, 15.000 minutes rated drying time

  • 10-4102 paint products thinner
    NSN 8010-00-063-1376

    2.000 ounces quantity within each unit package

  • 3986 primer coating
    NSN 8010-00-063-2013

    Primer Coating

  • TT-P-1757 primer coating
    NSN 8010-00-063-5776

    Corrosion resistive primer specific use, brushing as packaged or brushing, after thinning or spraying as is or spraying after thinning application method

  • TT-P-26 oil paint
    NSN 8010-00-063-7885

    Brushing as packaged application method, fire retarding characteristics features provided, lusterless gloss designation, 36357 color chip number

  • TT-P-26 oil paint
    NSN 8010-00-063-7886

    Brushing as packaged application method, fire retarding characteristics features provided, lusterless gloss designation, 36492 color chip number

  • 1586051 primer coating
    NSN 8010-00-064-1072

    1.000 gallons quantity within each unit package

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