NSN Drilldown - Electric Lamps FSC 6240

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  • 22-2900-200 lamp cover
    NSN 6240-00-001-1436

    1.203 inches overall length, 0.703 inches overall diameter, opening 0.094 in. By 0.500 in. Directs beam of light on selected areas; push-in cap with snap lock mounting configuration

  • 507-3905-1431-500 cartridge lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-1519

    Red lens color, 0.030 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 10000.0 average life rating in hours, 6.000 volts voltage rating

  • CML610122BLACKB0DY cartridge lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-1520

    Green lens color, 0.030 spherical candlepower single rating light output rating, 10000.0 average life rating in hours, 6.000 volts voltage rating

  • CML610123BLACKB0DY cartridge lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-1521

    Yellow lens color, 0.030 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 10000.0 average life rating in hours, 6.000 volts voltage rating

  • 507-3905-1437-500 cartridge lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-1524

    Colorless lens color, 0.030 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 10000.0 average life rating in hours, kidd class ddg; oliver perry class ffg; wasp class lhd; sonar acoustic miscellaneous; ticonderoga class cg (47) ; submarine acoustic sonar systems; sonar, an/bsy-1 (v) ; spruance class dd (963) ; knox class ff end item identification

  • 659384 mercury vapor lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-5353

    5.250 inches overall length, 4.000 watts wattage rating, oval small four pin (germicidal) base style, t (tubular) bulb style

  • 12MB incandescent lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-9404

    1.187 inches overall length, c-2f filament designation, 0.350 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 12000.0 average life rating in hours

  • 24MB incandescent lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-9405

    1.187 inches overall length, c-2f filament designation, 0.500 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 10000.0 average life rating in hours

  • 507-3918-0372-600 cartridge lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-9412

    Green lens color, 0.300 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 7000.0 average life rating in hours, 28.000 volts voltage rating

  • 4464 incandescent lamp
    NSN 6240-00-001-9415

    2.750 inches overall length, c-6 filament designation, 50000.000 beam candlepower single rating light output rating, 300.0 average life rating in hours

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