NSN Drilldown - Related Equipment Waveguides Antennas FSC 5985

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  • 873769 radio frequency tra line section
    NSN 5985-00-104-0300

    102.000 inches overall length, 50.0 impedance rating in ohms, 6.0 megahertz frequency rating, 1.625 inches overall diameter, aluminum material

  • 873770 radio frequency tra line section
    NSN 5985-00-104-0301

    39.375 inches overall length, 50.0 impedance rating in ohms, 6.0 megahertz frequency rating, 1.625 inches overall diameter, aluminum material

  • 6135-1070 antenna subassembly
    NSN 5985-00-104-2744

    7.500 inches overall length, 0.750 inches overall height, 3.687 inches overall width, antenna end item identification, 29 capacitor component type and quantity

  • 6135-5080 antenna subassembly
    NSN 5985-00-104-2746

    9.750 inches overall length, 10.000 inches overall height, 1.750 inches overall width, antenna end item identification, 2 block component type and quantity

  • 6135-6031 antenna subassembly
    NSN 5985-00-104-2747

    6.250 inches overall length, 8.060 inches overall height, 1.880 inches overall width, antenna end item identification, 1 base component type and quantity

  • 6135-7038 antenna subassembly
    NSN 5985-00-104-2748

    5.120 inches overall length, 7.380 inches overall height, 1.880 inches overall width, antennas end item identification, 1 base component type and quantity

  • TB-6MN electrical dummy load
    NSN 5985-00-104-3044

    2.500 inches overall length, 50.0 impedance rating in ohms, +0.000/+6.000 gigahertz frequency range rating, 5.000 kilowatts peak power rating

  • RAM230A waveguide adapter
    NSN 5985-00-104-3568

    Internal, rectangular external, rectangular cross-sectional shape style, seamless single tubing segment tubing wall construction style

  • 80TNCF fixed attenuator
    NSN 5985-00-104-3574

    Transmission line application design, any acceptable body material, rectangular, terminal/terminals on opposite surfaces body style

  • 209729 waveguide assembly
    NSN 5985-00-104-5650

    Internal, rectangular external, rectangular cross-sectional shape style, an/mps-t1 end item identification, 2 flange quantity

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