NSN Drilldown - Microphones And Speakers Handsets Headsets FSC 5965

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  • 12511G-01 headset-microphone
    NSN 5965-00-100-1291

    Microphone Headset

  • 162-0020 magnetic microphone
    NSN 5965-00-102-3803

    Hand held body style, 2.875 inches width, 3.688 inches length, push switch type

  • 368-100 dynamic microphone
    NSN 5965-00-102-4726

    Adapter mounting method, push switch type, connector receptacle electrical connection type, mounted in mask face piece , headsets, handsets, microphones fsc application data

  • D52146B handset
    NSN 5965-00-102-8280


  • L9049C0 handset
    NSN 5965-00-102-8281

    4 conductor quantity, sound powered power source

  • 356-0007S handset
    NSN 5965-00-102-8521

    Type no. C-7648/grc-165 end item identification, handset joint electronics type designation system item name, type no. H-280/grc-165 joint electronics type designation system item type number

  • FK85048-1 carbon microphone
    NSN 5965-00-103-5000

    Hand held body style, 2.438 inches width, 3.875 inches length, bracket mounting method, push switch type, integral cord electrical connection type

  • A-26-S-4 permanent magnet loudspeaker
    NSN 5965-00-104-1616

    2 terminal quantity, tab, solder lug terminal type, 1.594 inches overall depth, 6.250 inches overall length, 4.750 inches center to center distance between mounting facilities parallel to length

  • FP5 microphone mouthpiece
    NSN 5965-00-104-2902

    5.219 inches overall length, 2.219 inches overall height, 4.219 inches overall width, rubber material, rubber material, headsets, handsets, microphones fsc application data

  • 368-110 microphone element
    NSN 5965-00-104-2903

    Wire lead terminal type

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