NSN Drilldown - Coils And Transformers FSC 5950

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  • LWCE1514 electrical transformer
    NSN 5950-00-034-4760


  • 177376-1 power transformer
    NSN 5950-00-034-5106

    0.101 inches single group mounting hole diameter, 400.0 hertz single component frequency rating, single phase to single phase single component input-output phase relationship

  • SM-C-523359 reactor
    NSN 5950-00-034-5499

    Fixed inductance type, 215.00 millihenries single component single winding inductance rating, 0.075 inches body length, 0.255 inches overall diameter

  • 21288 electrical coil
    NSN 5950-00-034-6091


  • 21852 audio frequency transformer
    NSN 5950-00-034-6264

    16.0 decibels single component maximum transformer power rating, 1 to 4 single component primary to secondary turn ratio, 0.562 inches body length

  • 38674-502 electrical coil
    NSN 5950-00-034-6594

    60.0 hertz single component frequency rating, 2.500 inches body length, 2.375 inches body width, 2.500 inches body height, 1 single component winding quantity

  • 791-00505-01 audio frequency transformer
    NSN 5950-00-034-6657

    270.0 single component single secondary impedance rating in ohms, internal shield brought out to terminal single component winding shielding method

  • 1330 audio frequency transformer
    NSN 5950-00-035-3727

    1.574 inches overall length, 20.0 hertz single component frequency rating, 10.0 milliwatts single component maximum transformer power rating

  • 3062039 power transformer
    NSN 5950-00-035-3728

    1.250 inches overall length, single phase to single phase single component input-output phase relationship, 1.000 inches body length

  • 2316-S2-W20-12V electrical coil
    NSN 5950-00-035-4342

    1.000 inches single group mounting hole diameter, s0lid single component core construction, 1.250 inches body length, 2.750 inches body outside diameter

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