NSN Drilldown - Miscellaneous Communication Equipment FSC 5895

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  • AM4606AASN75A amplifier-power supply
    NSN 5895-00-179-1529

    2.063 inches overall length, 7.620 inches overall height, 5.845 inches overall width, 115.0 volts ac voltage rating, 400.0 hertz frequency rating

  • 204-704-032-1 e communication modification kit
    NSN 5895-00-179-2701

    Ah-1g series helicopters end item identification

  • 552-8414-004 shock m plenum base
    NSN 5895-00-179-3116

    Plenum Base

  • 7214375-01 computer tactical
    NSN 5895-00-179-3157

    P-3 acft end item identification

  • SM-D-664608 interconnecting box
    NSN 5895-00-179-3240

    5.750 inches overall width, radio set an/arc-116 end item identification, jetds name-adapter, breakout/type- mx-8499/arm; box assy 1, nut 8, name plate 1, cable assy 4, cover 1, pin jack 62, switch 1, grommet 3, screw 16; document-engineering dwg no. Sm-d-664608; controlling agency: u.S.Army

  • DLSMB664581 adapter breakout mx
    NSN 5895-00-179-3242

    Adapter Breakout Mx

  • SM-D-664543 interconnecting box
    NSN 5895-00-179-3243

    2.750 inches overall width, radio set an/arc-114 end item identification, jetds name-termination box/type- mx8500/arm; box assy 1, chassis cover 1, cable assy 1, nut 5, grommet 1, binding post 2; resistor 3, name plate 1, terminal 1; document-engineering dwg no. Sm-d-664543; controlling agency: u.S.Army

  • SM-D-664595 interconnecting box
    NSN 5895-00-179-3247

    5.750 inches overall width, radio set an/arc-115; 5821-01-057-4037 radio set an/arc-115a (v) 1 end item identification, jetds name-adapter, breakdown/type- mx-8498/arm; box assy 1, nut 8, name plate 1, cable assy 4, cover 1, pin 62, switch 1, grommet 3, screw 16, tiedown strap 19; document-engineering dwg no. Sm-d-664595; controlling agency: u.S.Army

  • 709684-801 reference signal generator
    NSN 5895-00-179-3263

    Solid state circuit construction type, recorder group, sonar fsc application data

  • 334-756 command signals decoder
    NSN 5895-00-179-3919

    2.660 inches overall length, 0.620 inches overall height, 0.940 inches overall width, am-4316/grc-103 (v) end item identification

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