NSN Drilldown - Lumber And Related Basic Wood Materials FSC 5510

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  • MML751C shop softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5260

    4.000 feet random measuring method and length, unit of issue-bf supplementary features, 81348-mm-l-751 government specification specification/standard data

  • MML751 dimension softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5271

    4.000 feet random measuring method and length, flat grain or mixed grain permitted , unit of issue--bf supplementary features

  • MM-L-751 dimension softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5296

    16.000 feet specified measuring method and length, dressed, air dried or kiln dried , unit of issue--bf supplementary features

  • MML751 dimension softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5300

    Fed spec mm-i-751h end item identification, 14.000 feet specified measuring method and length, typical use--for mobilization use only, unit of issue--board foot, fed

  • MML751 siding softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5332

    4.000 feet random measuring method and length, shiplapped, unit of issue-bf supplementary features, 81348-mm-l-751 government specification specification/standard data

  • MML751 siding softwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5335

    4.000 feet random measuring method and length, shiplapped. Unit of issue-bf supplementary features, 81348-mm-l-751 government specification specification/standard data

  • MML736 hardwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5374

    6.000 feet random measuring method and length, unit of issue bf supplementary features

  • MML736 hardwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5375

    6.000 feet random measuring method and length, unit of issue bf supplementary features

  • MML736 hardwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5376

    6.000 feet random measuring method and length, unit of issue bf supplementary features

  • MML736 hardwood lumber
    NSN 5510-00-274-5377

    8.000 feet random measuring method and length, unit of issue bf supplementary features

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