NSN Drilldown - Collective Modular Support System FSC 5419

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  • 9-1-0001-TWG force provider module tan
    NSN 5419-01-399-6391

    Transportable by rail, sea, roadwayor aircraft

  • 9-1-0001-GWOG force provider module green
    NSN 5419-01-439-7807

    Zhouses 550 soldiers; includes subsystems: billeting; latrine, shower, fuel/water/power distribution, waste management, food service, transportation aids, system support services but does not have generators encompasses approx 17 square acres

  • 00742882000951 checkpoint bunker
    NSN 5419-01-447-4609

    108.000 inches overall length, 90.000 inches overall height, 84.000 inches overall width, one complete bunker/checkpoint can be loaded on one standard 463l pallet with room for other material

  • 00742882000968 checkpoint bunker
    NSN 5419-01-447-4613

    108.000 inches overall length, 90.000 inches overall height, 84.000 inches overall width, one complete bunker/checkpoint can be loaded on one standard 463l pallet with room for other material

  • 4129S checkpoint bunker
    NSN 5419-01-450-1756

    108.000 inches overall length, 90.000 inches overall height, 84.000 inches overall width, one complete bunker/checkpoint can be loaded on one standard 463l pallet with room for other material

  • 4129W checkpoint bunker
    NSN 5419-01-450-1758

    108.000 inches overall length, 90.000 inches overall height, 84.000 inches overall width, one complete bunker/checkpoint can be loaded on one standard 463l pallet with room for other material

  • CA-MSS-HIT-29.552T military modular bivouac system
    NSN 5419-01-465-3019

    Rpersonnel doors (2) ; vehicle doors (2) ; blackout; window vents; a high wind guy kit; extreme weather kit; liner; hvac ducting; anchors; quick - connect electrical kit; complexing connection; spares kit; erection tools furnished items

  • CA-MSS-HIT-29.552G military modular bivouac system
    NSN 5419-01-465-3023

    Rpersonnel doors (2) ; vehicle doors (2) ; blackout; window vents; a high wind guy kit; extreme weather kit; liner; hvac ducting; anchors; quick - connect electrical kit; complexing connection; spares kit; erection tools furnished items

  • AK-HIT-2032.5-1 military modular bivouac system
    NSN 5419-01-465-3024

    0gc93 ak-ss-1 shelter (1) ; ak-sss-ecu-1 environ control unit (1) ; ak-sss-cont-1 container (1) nonsupply items and quantities

  • AK-HIT-2032.5-2 military modular bivouac system
    NSN 5419-01-465-3025

    0gc93 ak-ss-2 shelter (1) ; ak-sss-ecu-2 environ control unit (1) ; ak-sss-cont-2 container (1) nonsupply items and quantities

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