NSN Drilldown - Bolts FSC 5306

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  • 411R377H01 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-024-3631

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.430 inches thread length, 0.520 inches fastener length, 0.190 inches nominal thread diameter, 0.090 inches grip length

  • 922069 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-024-6232

    3a thread class, right-hand , 1.000 inches thread length, 2.250 inches fastener length, double hexagon extended washer head style

  • 0916277 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-024-6237

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.514 inches thread length, 0.625 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.200 inches head height

  • 3829139 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-024-6580

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.489 inches thread length, 0.600 inches fastener length, hexagon extended washer head style, 0.293 inches head height

  • 730085PC3 shoulder bolt
    NSN 5306-00-024-7930

    3a thread class, right-hand , 1.563 inches thread length, 4.750 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 1.015 inches head height

  • 221984 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-022-1984

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.250 inches thread length, 1.468 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.312 inches head height

  • MS35763-1086 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-022-2002

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.107 inches thread length, 1.218 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.375 inches head height

  • MS35763-1087 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-022-2003

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.357 inches thread length, 1.532 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.375 inches head height

  • MS35763-1089 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-022-2005

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.375 inches thread length, 1.968 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.375 inches head height

  • 222027 machine bolt
    NSN 5306-00-022-2027

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.062 inches thread length, 1.250 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.188 inches head height

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