NSN Drilldown - Screws FSC 5305

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  • 2523920 screw worm shaft
    NSN 5305-00-004-1096

    Screw Worm Shaft

  • MBEU38531 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1387

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.332 inches thread length, 0.555 inches fastener length, button head style, 0.420 inches head diameter

  • A51M20622-11 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1389

    3a thread class, right-hand , 0.375 inches thread length, 0.375 inches fastener length, flat chamfer head style, 0.500 inches head diameter

  • 463120-1 externally relieved body screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1522

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.510 inches thread length, 1.063 inches fastener length, hexagon head style, 0.195 inches head height

  • 100759 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1566

    2a thread class, right-hand , 1.438 inches thread length, 1.438 inches fastener length, round head style, 0.287 inches head diameter

  • 83-15083-05 screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1579


  • A000158978001 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1584


  • SC 100251 screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1589


  • 0179254 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1687

    2a thread class, right-hand , 0.282 inches thread length, 0.375 inches fastener length, truss head style, 0.384 inches head diameter

  • AB904H5 machine screw
    NSN 5305-00-004-1689

    3a thread class, right-hand , 0.368 inches thread length, 0.766 inches fastener length, flat countersunk undercut head style, 0.648 inches head diameter

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