NSN Drilldown - Plumbing Fixtures And Accessories FSC 4510

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  • 349L0M0D1-2T01-4SB single faucet
    NSN 4510-00-042-4812

    Copper alloy body material, chromium plated body surface treated, lever handle type, polished surface finish, handle operation method

  • 728-SS-369 double faucet
    NSN 4510-00-042-4814

    Brass body material, horizontal pipe mounting type, chrome plated body surface treated, lever handle type, polished surface finish

  • C8017 single faucet
    NSN 4510-00-043-0760

    Aluminum body material, button handle type, polished surface finish, concealed installation design, push button operation method

  • 072009 faucet parts kit
    NSN 4510-00-044-0602

    105 component quantity, rass removable seats of thirty six sizes 100; seat gauge 1; removable seat wrench 4 nonsupply items and quantities

  • 396 sink drain
    NSN 4510-00-045-4336

    Lead material, lead material

  • 397 sink drain
    NSN 4510-00-045-4337

    Lead material, lead material

  • R2522 lavatory drain
    NSN 4510-00-045-4904

    Stopper equipped w/chain , brass material, copper alloy material, chromium surface treated, chrome plated surface treated

  • 4353863 seal
    NSN 4510-00-046-4418


  • 052-0188 lavatory
    NSN 4510-00-049-8151

    Wall mounting type, 9.875 inches width, 20.000 inches overall length, 18.000 inches overall width, 15.500 inches length, with one wall hanger plate furnished items and quantity

  • MIL-T-25186 aircraft toilet
    NSN 4510-00-052-8828

    Aluminum body material, anchor mounting type, 17.000 inches overall depth, 16.000 inches overall height, plastic seat material

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