NSN Drilldown - Twine Cordage Fiber Rope FSC 4020

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  • 5-13-2083PC28-5 fibrous cord assembly
    NSN 4020-00-153-4693

    4520-00-882-5945 end item identification, type 1, cl 3, size 5 green cord w/ 2 cast mail iron snap hooks; 145.50 in. O/a lg; double safety knot at each end; mildew resestant.

  • MIL-T-43435 lacing and tying tape
    NSN 4020-00-155-2651

    0.062 inches overall width, 0.011 inches thickness, 500.000 yards length, mildew resistant environmental protection, nylon material and location

  • MIL-T-43435,TY1 1,FINISH E lacing and tying tape
    NSN 4020-00-159-6924

    0.081 inches overall width, 0.009 inches thickness, 500.000 yards length, plastic, polyester, mil-t-43435, type 2 material and location

  • 18T lacing and tying tape
    NSN 4020-00-165-0857

    0.095 inches overall width, 0.011 inches thickness, 500.000 yards length, glass material and location, white, natural color

  • 11-1-1853-5 single leg fiber rope assembly
    NSN 4020-00-168-5955

    Twisted fabrication method, heat resistant environmental protection, olive drab, us army, 7 color

  • TR605 fibrous rope
    NSN 4020-00-171-4566

    Twisted fabrication method, 50.000 yards length, mildew resistant environmental protection, hemp, manila, t-r-605, type m, class 2 material and location

  • 12077 fibrous cord
    NSN 4020-00-171-5209

    Braided fabrication method, 16.000 yards length, 0.125 inches overall diameter, cotton material and location, natural color, in accordance with paragraph 3.2.2 departure from cited document

  • T-R-571 fibrous rope
    NSN 4020-00-171-5692

    Twisted fabrication method, 200.000 yards length, cotton, t-r-571 material and location, natural color, cotton material and location

  • MILR17343 fibrous rope
    NSN 4020-00-174-1231

    Twisted fabrication method, 400.000 yards length, polyamide nylon, mil-r-17343 material and location, natural color, plastic polyamide material and location

  • MILR17343 fibrous rope
    NSN 4020-00-174-1232

    Twisted fabrication method, 400.000 yards length, polyamide nylon, mil-r-17343 material and location, natural color, plastic polyamide material and location

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