NSN Drilldown - Unmounted Antifriction Bearings FSC 3110

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    NSN 3110-00-100-0302

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  • 394 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0304

    4.3307 inches outside diameter, 0.8661 inches overall width, 0.0312 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

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    NSN 3110-00-100-0305


  • 394AS tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0306

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  • 119156 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0307

    3.2500 inches outside diameter, 1.1875 inches overall width, 0.1250 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

  • 414 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0309

    3.4843 inches outside diameter, 0.8750 inches overall width, 0.0312 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

  • FF-B-187A tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0311

    3.7500 inches outside diameter, 0.8750 inches overall width, 0.0938 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

  • 453 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0314

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  • FF-B-187 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0315

    4.2500 inches outside diameter, 0.8750 inches overall width, 0.0312 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

  • 454 tapered roller bearing cup
    NSN 3110-00-100-0316

    4.3307 inches outside diameter, 1.0630 inches overall width, 0.0625 inches backface corner radius, afbma class 2 standard tolerance designation

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