NSN Drilldown - Grenades FSC 1330

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  • 9216131 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5823

    None package model number, m1 model number, 1330-g801 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number, ex1988030469 dot registration code

  • 9216131 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5824

    None package model number, m1a1 model number, 1330-g800 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number, ex1988110438 dot registration code

  • 9216131 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5825

    None package model number, m1a2 model number, x761511 us army package reference number, 1330-g800 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number

  • 9216131 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5828

    None package model number, m1 model number, 1330-g801 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number, ex1988030471 dot registration code

  • 9232012 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5829

    M2 model number, 1330-g805 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number, ex1988030472 dot registration code, 41.3 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • 9232012 projection grenade adapter
    NSN 1330-00-028-5830

    M2a1 model number, 1330-g805 dod ammunition code, un0014 dot identification number, ex1988060735 dot registration code, 49.9 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • 82-0-41-4 hand grenade
    NSN 1330-00-028-5832

    Iron, cast body material, serrated surface finish, m41a1 package model number, mk2 model number, trinitrotoluene flake filler material

  • 82-0-1 hand grenade
    NSN 1330-00-028-5835

    Iron, cast body material, serrated surface finish, m41a1 package model number, m21 model number, black powder filler material

  • 82-0-143 hand grenade
    NSN 1330-00-028-5837

    Iron, cast body material, serrated surface finish, m14a1 package model number, mk2 model number, trinitrotoluene, tnt filler material

  • 82-0-144 hand grenade
    NSN 1330-00-028-5838

    Iron, cast body material, serrated surface finish, m21 model number, black powder filler material, practice design type, 1330-g916 dod ammunition code

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