NSN Drilldown - Passenger Motor Vehicles FSC 2310

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  • NS3502 motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-347-6648

    6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type, 44 seating capacity, model senator (military) ; forward/control body type; 32 ft 2 in lg; 8 ft wd; 10 ft 7 in hi; allison model at545 transmission; ambulance conversion; type iii

  • KKK-A-1822 ambulance truck
    NSN 2310-01-356-4869

    Any acceptable body material, 8 cylinder quantity, 4 wheel quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type

  • KKK-B-1579 motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-357-8985

    Steel body material, 6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type, 28 seating capacity, ii type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • KKK-B-1579 motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-357-8986

    Steel body material, 6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type, 44 seating capacity, iv type nondefinitive spec/std data

  • ACVC MA1400 ambulance truck
    NSN 2310-01-360-3894

    36 volt, 2 hp; model 898371-f2

  • T2AMBBUS motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-361-9261

    Steel body material, 6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type, 44 seating capacity, ambulance conversion

  • KKK-B-1579 motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-364-4517

    Any acceptable body material, 6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, any acceptable transmission type, 32 seating capacity

  • FORDE350 ambulance truck
    NSN 2310-01-370-1440

    Steel, corrosion resisting body material, 6 cylinder quantity, 4 wheel quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, automatic transmission type

  • MIL-T-62117 motor bus
    NSN 2310-01-371-9028

    Steel body material, 6 cylinder quantity, diesel engine prime mover type, any acceptable transmission type, 16 seating capacity

  • 87T0003 ambulance truck
    NSN 2310-01-371-9585

    Steel, corrosion resisting body material, 8 cylinder quantity, high mobility wheeled vehicle (hmmwv) end item identification, 4 wheel quantity

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