NSN Drilldown - Unmounted Plain Bearings FSC 3120

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  • 114H4934-1 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1102

    0.3800 inches overall length, 0.3738 inches body outside diameter, 0.2429 inches body inside diameter, square all corners corner shape

  • 114H4909-1 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1104

    0.2870 inches overall length, 0.3757 inches body outside diameter, 0.2495 inches body inside diameter, 0.4900 inches flange outside diameter

  • 135B5760 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1206

    2.8600 inches overall length, 3.2475 inches body outside diameter, 3.0005 inches body inside diameter, 3.6100 inches flange outside diameter

  • 135B5875-2 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1245

    0.8700 inches overall length, 0.9365 inches body outside diameter, 0.7520 inches body inside diameter, 30.0 rockwell c hardness rating

  • 135B5875-1 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1246

    0.8700 inches overall length, 0.9365 inches body outside diameter, 0.7640 inches body inside diameter, 30.0 rockwell c hardness rating

  • A3929 lower worm bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1253

    As differentiated by for lewis-shepard hand electric reference number differentiating characteristics

  • 135B5773-7 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-1668

    1.1500 inches overall length, 0.9900 inches body outside diameter, 0.7510 inches body inside diameter, square all corners corner shape

  • 3G61320-101 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-2618

    1.5000 inches overall length, 1.0008 inches body outside diameter, 0.8100 inches body inside diameter, 1.1600 inches flange outside diameter

  • 3P61546-101 spherical plain bearing
    NSN 3120-00-051-2632

    0.8730 inches overall length, 0.5000 inches body inside diameter, square inside right corner corner shape, 125.0 microinches left end surface surface finish

  • 636NH226 sleeve bushing
    NSN 3120-00-051-2858

    0.8750 inches overall length, 0.6890 inches body outside diameter, 0.5000 inches body inside diameter, 0.9995 inches flange outside diameter

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