NSN Drilldown - Fuzes And Primers FSC 1390

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  • 1200862 auxiliary detonating fuze
    NSN 1390-00-653-9778

    F/3 in.50 cal.Vt/vt non-frag; f/5 in.38 cal. Vt/vt non-frag; f/5 in.54 cal. Vt/vt.Non-frag , 125.0 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • 453057 auxiliary detonator body
    NSN 1390-00-653-9811


  • 1280713 booster and lead block assembly
    NSN 1390-00-657-2418

    14.55 inches shipping container package nominal overall height and type, 15.36 inches shipping container package nominal overall length and type

  • 1378215 base detonating fuze
    NSN 1390-00-671-5157

    1390-n257 dod ammunition code, used with major caliber gun projectile , 86.2 shipping container pounds gross weight, vi coast guard class hazardous material classification code

  • LD292398 proximity fuze
    NSN 1390-00-674-4330

    1390-n622 dod ammunition code, 0.000900 transportation pounds net explosive weight, 85.1 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • LD292247 proximity fuze
    NSN 1390-00-674-4332

    1 unit package quantity, mk 2 mod 0 package model number, 1390-n405 dod ammunition code, un0409 dot identification number, ex1987120377 dot registration code

  • 73-2-214A5REV5 point detonating fuze
    NSN 1390-00-676-7837

    8 unit package quantity, 8861213 us army package reference number, 1390-n331 dod ammunition code, 55.2 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • 73-2-214C5 point detonating fuze
    NSN 1390-00-676-7840

    8 unit package quantity, 1390-n330 dod ammunition code, un0107 dot identification number, ex1987120379 dot registration code, 0.057 storage pounds net explosive weight

  • 73-7-136 mechanical time and superqu fuze
    NSN 1390-00-676-7870

    8 unit package quantity, 1390-n276 dod ammunition code, un0257 dot identification number, ex1987120380 dot registration code, 0.00111 storage pounds net explosive weight

  • 2158787 fuze representing plug
    NSN 1390-00-678-2710


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