NSN Drilldown - Bombs FSC 1325

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  • 68D6089 proximity fuze
    NSN 1325-00-227-9111

    1 unit package quantity, 1325-f729 dod ammunition code, 115.0 shipping container pounds gross weight, can, metal unit package type

  • DL2601820 firebomb initiator
    NSN 1325-00-234-0071

    11.90 inches shipping container package nominal overall height and type, 29.03 inches shipping container package nominal overall length and type

  • D14-15-980 practice bomb fuze
    NSN 1325-00-143-7734

    1 unit package quantity, side installation design, 1325-f844 dod ammunition code, 50.0 pallet pounds gross weight, can, metal unit package type

  • D14-15-1002 practice bomb fuze
    NSN 1325-00-143-8384

    2 unit package quantity, nose installation design, 1325-f944 dod ammunition code, 50.0 shipping container pounds gross weight, can, metal unit package type

  • E14-23-1905 riot c canister cluster assembly
    NSN 1325-00-143-8456

    1325-f497 dod ammunition code, un0301 dot identification number, ex1988110402 dot registration code, 21.752189 transportation pounds net explosive weight

  • E14-23-1886 riot c canister cluster assembly
    NSN 1325-00-143-8457

    1.4 department of defense hazard class division hazardous material classification code

  • 9287600 dispenser control panel
    NSN 1325-00-143-8496

    Dispenser Control Panel

  • 9251370 aircraft dispenser and bomb
    NSN 1325-00-143-8796

    81.300 inches overall length, 11.200 inches overall height, 9.380 inches overall width, dc current type, 2 unit package quantity (non-core)

  • E14-23-2016 bomb fin assembly
    NSN 1325-00-143-8827

    Tie rod assy 1 ea furnished items, m14e2 model number, conical design type, 1325-f662 dod ammunition code, 325.0 shipping container pounds gross weight

  • 7127151-10 aircraft dispenser and bomb
    NSN 1325-00-145-8914

    87.890 inches overall length, 16.000 inches overall diameter, 706062 us air force package reference number, 1325-e846 dod ammunition code

nsn drilldown

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