Model: M28754/18-01
Glow LampProperties:
An item in which a gas is ionized to produce light energy of low persistence. It may include internal current limiting resistor.
Part M28754/18-01 NSN 6240-00-892-4420
Material Classification
Hazardous material, precious metals, criticality, enviroment, and electrostatic discharge indicatorsPackaging & Shipping
Freight Classification
End Items End applications NSN 6240-00-892-4420 is a component of
- Ec-13 Mc-130h (ac-130h B-52 Aircraft; Aircraft Support Equipment
- B-52 Aircraft Support Equipment
- An/uyq-3a (v) 2 Direct Air Support Central
- B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- Satellite An/gsc-39(v)1 Communications Terminal
- L.p. Compressors
- Fire Pumps
- Arm-155/156 Test Set
- An/pps-5b Radar Set
- Hc-130) Ec-130e Mc-130h Sof ( Ac-130h Aircraft
- 010631915
- Flight Lin Test Set
- 002370227
- Gas-particulate Filter Unit
- 012546307
- Transmitter Group
- 009992435
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 010637679
- Cbr Protection Equipment Installation Kit
- 000876644
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 010633439
- Power Supply
- 010347753
- Programmi Interface
- 013162747
- Communications Central
- 000876643
- Bench Test Set
- 009570439
- Sweep Generator
- 001764112
- Slate Con Test Set
- 010269621
- Vpa Assembly
- 009876603
- Oscilloscope
- 009419728
- Meteorological Data Computer
- 001764114
- Slate Con Test Set
- 001795210
- Communications Modem Assembly
- 010631916
- Survellance Informa
- 012554218
- Receiver Group
- 010275740
- Power Supply
- 011423433
- Countermeas Testset
- 010924907
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 010928074
- Landing Control Central
- 008920871
- Radio Set
- 000446956
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 009420856
- Radio Transmitter
- 001795211
- Power Supply
- 004343644
- Speech Equipment
- 012759542
- Guided Missile System Test Equipment
- 009442452
- Radar Set
- 011887441
- Signal Generator
- 009883132
- Radar Test Set
- 004910580
- Radar Alti Test Set
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 011463260
- Kg-84a
- 004377312
- Radar Alti Test Set
- 008986779
- Cargo Trailer
- 011899782
- Air Conditioner
- 000632941
- Signal Generator
- 008559320
- Power Supply Control
- 001069622
- Oscilloscope
- 000633271
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 007953237
- Radar Test Set
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 008925286
- Noise Level Meter
- 008027425
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 001799148
- Test Facilities Set
- 008931726
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 010288364
- High Speed Buffer
- 012580466
- Digital Communicati
- 011463874
- Satellite Communica
- 004357776
- Distortion Indicator
- 009008199
- Multiplexer
- 009008200
- Multiplexer
- 001104131
- Analog Conference G
- 007868158
- Indicator Test Set
- 008043465
- Modulation Meter
- 011463875
- Satellite Communica
- 007812458
- Integrated Test Set
- 005663067
- Signal Generator
- 010288425
- Multiplexer
- 007868216
- Test Adapter
- 001104132
- Analog Conference G
- 006891609
- Electric Water Heater
- 009594326
- Remot Tone Receiver
- 006916530
- Interconnecting Box
- 007353254
- Control Test Set
- 013199032
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 013655612
- Data Distribution System
- 004100244
- Test Adapter
- 005924645
- Air Conditioner
- 009650197
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 009082003
- Control Transmitter
- 004319339
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 009078300
- Telegraph Terminal
- 004831179
- Signal Generator Test Set
- 005489070
- Radar Set
- 004377311
- Attenuator Panel
- 011048926
- Test Facility Set
- 005287812
- Radar Data Processor
- 005008386
- Receiver-transmitter Group
- 010696871
- Loran Simulator
- 004537703
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Test Station
- 002132358
- Multiplexer Set
- 004377312
- Radar Alti Test Set
- 009857574
- Distribution Box
- 004224356
- Receiver Test Panel
- 004389094
- Signal Generator Test Set
- 004100242
- Test Adapter
- 010703847
- Programmer
- 004103248
- Gyro Test Station
- 003615270
- Navigation Test Set
- 011483977
- Radio Terminal Set
- 010703842
- Airborne L Test Set
- 003215221
- Power Supply-test Set
- 004535667
- Test Facilities Kit
- 009083132
- Interconnecting Box
- 011483976
- Radio Terminal Set
- 014603905
- Test Control Panel
- 004641616
- Radio Terminal Set
- 001888156
- Receiver-transmitter Subassembly
- 001188752
- Analog Conference G
- 001500314
- Interference Blanker
- 004641702
- Telegraph Test Set
- 004651030
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 013848816
- Test Control Panel
- 001195587
- Hydraulic System Components Test Stand
- 008931729
- Teletypewr Test Set
- 007386335
- Trailer Mounted Gasoline Engine Generator Set
- 009083133
- Interconnecting Box
- 014603899
- Test Control Panel
- 013537150
- Monitor Panel
- 013758932
- Control Test Set
- 002571093
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 009087381
- Amplifier Test Set
- 013554786
- Signal Generator
- 011316238
- Battery Test Set
- 013093085
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 001248678
- Telephone Set
- 000446958
- Power Supply Test Set
- 010709415
- Radar Set
- 013758958
- Demand Oxygen Regulator Test Stand
- 012026357
- Meteorological Data Display Set
- 000686114
- Signal Generator
- 012505464
- Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- 002237548
- Radio Set
- 009857899
- Power Supply
- 012628023
- Simulator Group
- 001255334
- Telephone Test Set
- 011287007
- Automatic Meteorological Station
- 010984585
- Test Control Panel
- 010922028
- Power Supply
- 000734385
- Computer Test Set
- 009859153
- Multiplexer
- 010761777
- Navigation Test Set
- 012747390
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 010866615
- Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- 011080386
- Power Supply Assembly
- 001337835
- Amplifier Simulator
- 011667673
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 011074819
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 011074820
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 011560411
- Communications Term
- 010861310
- Interface Device Panel
- 009194800
- Radio Teletyp Modem
- 004910580
- Radar Alti Test Set
- 011135344
- Communications Term
- 010814105
- Backplane Assembly
- 010712717
- Tester R Controller
- 000529477
- Displacement Rod
- 002546671
- Signal Generator
- 011135343
- Communications Term
- 012755061
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 005006525
- Signal Generator
- 010583559
- Programmi Interface
- 010634655
- Cbr Protection Equipment Installation Kit
- 010657735
- Noise Source Assemb
- 009876603
- Oscilloscope
- 009992440
- Synchronizer Monito
- 010675466
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 007826983
- Battery Charger
- 010485816
- Simulator Assembly
- 010344076
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 001337834
- Stabilize Test Set
- 010223002
- Radar Signal Simulator
- 000772986
- Relay Test Set
- 009658274
- Telecommunication System Test Set
- 009992435
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 009781226
- Frequency Shift Keyer
- 009993592
- Oscilloscope
- 012237543
- Input-output Unit
- 009264136
- Air Conditioner
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 002571602
- Trailer Mounted Electric Power Plant
- 009981090
- Rectifier Panel
- 009650196
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 009650197
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 002292610
- Pressurized Protective Entrance
- 002706520
- Power Supply
- 009448357
- Gyro Test Station
- 003079376
- Radio Receiving Set
- 001373965
- Video Mapping Group
- 009604893
- Power Supply-dummy Load
- 009604888
- Receiver-e Test Set
- 009274646
- Amplifier-converter
- 007870304
- Oscilloscope
- 011211992
- Radio Set
- 008027425
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 013881500
- Communications Control Set
- 003949577
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 010529477
- Laser Infr Test Set
- 009229310
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 001387990
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 009283382
- Multiplexer
- 010828404
- Voice Terminal
- 008243415
- Coder-decoder Group
- 007933544
- Automatic Pilot Test Set
- 008364106
- Pulse Generator
- 007902017
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 000140470
- Telephone Terminal
- 011647420
- Air Conditioner
- 008975505
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 009305135
- Communications Modem
- 004011779
- Teletypewriter Set
- 007248059
- Oscilloscope
- 010545795
- Power Supply
- 004020748
- Motion Picture Camera
- 004426135
- Oscilloscope
- 004981547
- Radio Frequency Monitor
- 005704231
- Power Supply
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 004516806
- Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
- 005203657
- Transponder Set Monitor
- 004334297
- Test Adapter
- 004363852
- Infrared Illuminator
- 009023146
- Amplifier Test Set
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 004660699
- Power Supply
- 009308079
- Multiplexer
- 000331389
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 010828412
- Auxiliary Power Sup
- 000751991
- Test Adapter Set
- 001400156
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 004444442
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 001764112
- Slate Con Test Set
- 010177039
- Fire Direction Cent
- 001764112
- Slate Con Test Set
- 000443228
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 011255976
- Telephone Set
- 003859171
- Gyro Instrument Testing Tilting Table
- 004100243
- Test Adapter
- 010596377
- Antenna Assembly
- 001399402
- Navigation Test Set
- 004802356
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001467982
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 001507196
- Antenna Tr Test Set
- 001883161
- Radar Signal Simulator
- 001390472
- Lru Tester
- 001403070
- Converter Assembly
- 001373964
- Video Mapping Group
- 001470040
- Signal Data Processor
- 009339318
- Modem Subassembly
- 013419101
- Communications Control Set
- 008842176
- Multiplexer
- 010839441
- Wideband Truck Appl
- 001507197
- Indicator Test Set
- 000793977
- Safety Veri Tester
- 010177040
- Fire Direction Cent
- 002364019
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 013387972
- Computer Test Set
- 009339980
- Test Facilities Kit
- 009350033
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 000533112
- Oscilloscope
- 000772979
- Teletypewriter Test Set
- 000846546
- Remote Scor Trainer
- 000668754
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001501882
- Control-monitor Test Set
- 010618928
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 000703995
- Indicator Light
- 012580366
- Programming Patching Panel
- 000689696
- Reference Signal Generator
- 013444159
- Data Processor Set
- 013767341
- Aircraft Environmental Control System Test Set
- 009355071
- Radio Set
- 012548614
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 011664279
- Power Supply
- 000753929
- Fire Control System Test Set
- 000751991
- Test Adapter Set
- 004224314
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 012489066
- Electrical Test Panel
- 004357775
- Test Equipment Dolly
- 001678010
- Communications Central
- 010182505
- Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- 012677353
- Guided Missile Test Set
- 000698795
- Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- 010889270
- Satellite Communica
- 013399207
- Electronic Equipment Maintenance Kit
- 011334195
- Radio Set
- 012036698
- Power Supply
- 011080387
- Power Supply Assembly
- 012179326
- Guided Missile System Test Station
- 008920622
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 009876603
- Oscilloscope
- 013469317
- Utility Truck
- 005430012
- Telephone Set
- 009374029
- Signal Generator
- 001681477
- Communications Central
- 011002736
- Interface Device Panel
- 010875072
- Radar Set Control
- 010906819
- Data Processing Sys
- 011382236
- Operational Control Indicator
- 011074821
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 009724046
- Voltmeter
- 004244370
- Electrical Pulse Analyzer
- 010800994
- Interface Device Panel
- 010821235
- Electronic Components Assembly
- 011384746
- Radar Tra Generator
- 010808332
- Power Supply
- 010482923
- Pressurized Protective Entrance
- 004319339
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 011005921
- Interface Device Panel
- 000866304
- Radio Test Set
- 010353898
- Power Supply
- 009996828
- Frequency Standard
- 010920892
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 010881061
- Test Adapter
Pricing & Availability Check
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Schedule B and Export
- Schedule B: 9405400000
- SITC: 81315
- End Use: Electric apparatus
- NAICS: 335129
- USDA: 1
Freight Class: Electric lamps and lighting fittings, nesoi
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