Model: L21943
Cartridge FuseProperties:
A fuse in which the element is inclosed in a cylindrical body. The element may be renewable. The terminals may be of varying types. It may contain a visual indication that the fusible element is severed, and may also provide an audible alarm through auxiliary circuitry. For noncylindrical items, see fuse, inclosed link.
Part L21943 NSN 5920-00-280-8342
Material Classification
Hazardous material, precious metals, criticality, enviroment, and electrostatic discharge indicatorsPackaging & Shipping
Freight Classification
End Items End applications NSN 5920-00-280-8342 is a component of
- Oq-290(v)msm Test Station
- B-52 Aircraft Support Equipment
- B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- An/spn-35b
- Fire Pumps
- Communications Center (an/tsc-107)
- An/tpn-18 Radar Set
- Defense Communications Radio (9 Systems)
- 002346114
- Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- 009994373
- Photograph Test Set
- 006473737
- Modulation Meter
- 011125303
- Teletypewriter Set
- 013846922
- Air Conditioner
- 007525357
- Intercommunication Station
- 009857899
- Power Supply
- 010181226
- Battery Power Supply
- 000073787
- Power Supply
- 000086736
- Power Supply
- 002282201
- Oscilloscope
- 004610856
- Radio Set
- 013119622
- Electronic Components Assembly
- 011125836
- Satellite Communica
- 012170054
- Distortion Analyzer
- 004724003
- Radio Set
- 009194800
- Radio Teletyp Modem
- 010764797
- Semitrailer Chassis
- 013260712
- Communica Processor
- 007525357
- Intercommunication Station
- 002346114
- Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- 010226394
- Radio Receiver
- 001335879
- Power Supply
- 012198759
- Air Conditioner
- 001337526
- Sweep Generator
- 009859088
- Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- 001338841
- Radio Repeater Set
- 009878527
- Sound Reco Test Set
- 011147825
- Power Supply
- 011147826
- Power Supply
- 009262593
- Antenna
- 011147827
- Power Supply
- 011154651
- Power Supply
- 011154652
- Power Supply
- 010443935
- Radar Set
- 011154653
- Power Supply
- 002546671
- Signal Generator
- 010346141
- Radio Receiver
- 010346142
- Radio Receiver
- 010346143
- Radio Receiver
- 001342599
- Telephone Set
- 011159130
- Power Supply
- 010346144
- Radio Receiver
- 007825278
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 011197314
- Oscilloscope
- 010346087
- Radio Receiver
- 007827296
- Serial To Parallel Converter
- 009994935
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 009036385
- Module Tester
- 009036385
- Module Tester
- 002282201
- Oscilloscope
- 002919391
- Photographic Processing Sink
- 009264136
- Air Conditioner
- 010828342
- Maintenance Facilit
- 003079376
- Radio Receiving Set
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 011585397
- Data Processing Sys
- 004327312
- Modulation Meter
- 012355480
- Electr Test Station
- 012795657
- Finishing Section
- 009267355
- Radio Set
- 009267356
- Radio Set
- 003401241
- Radio Set
- 001387320
- Transistor Test Set
- 013293356
- Digital Computer
- 012355896
- Lithographic Copying Camera
- 011631168
- Frequency Control S
- 010538624
- Hard Copy Unit
- 004610765
- Radio Set
- 001488185
- Sweep Generator
- 005266542
- Photogrammetric Projection Printing Rectifier
- 012834582
- Press Section
- 011051743
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Plate Process Section
- 011051743
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Plate Process Section
- 004011779
- Teletypewriter Set
- 010551574
- Battery Charger
- 010828404
- Voice Terminal
- 001387990
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 012848307
- Communications Term
- 012848308
- Communications Term
- 010551574
- Battery Charger
- 004610740
- Radio Set
- 004020748
- Motion Picture Camera
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 010573968
- Flight Coordination
- 006473737
- Modulation Meter
- 006494279
- No Item Name F/dlsc
- 009308079
- Multiplexer
- 010574037
- Radio Set
- 010296901
- Radio Receiver
- 004022263
- Radio Set
- 010124099
- Power Supply Group
- 008688326
- Test Set Insulated
- 011230084
- Communication Control Console
- 011231881
- Power Supply
- 009309303
- Tele Central Office
- 011672479
- Switching System Ai
- 011056443
- T Finishing Section
- 000331398
- Trailer Mounted Electric Power Plant
- 010586292
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 011675381
- Elect Test Station
- 010170958
- Sound Recorder-reproducer Set
- 010832896
- Anc Key Gen Frame
- 001418050
- Cargo Trailer
- 000508905
- Cargo Truck
- 011681176
- Radio Frequency Interference Filter
- 013413350
- Security Data Syste
- 008865915
- Compass Sy Test Set
- 014265721
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 004075604
- Flash Ranging Set
- 014348510
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 000508984
- Truck Tractor
- 001456829
- Radio Set
- 014475076
- Power Supply
- 001488185
- Sweep Generator
- 013048463
- Signal Generator
- 004099074
- Radar Set
- 010617081
- Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning System
- 013400053
- Power Supply Test Set
- 009350033
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 013540596
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 013560195
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 013587171
- Interface Device Panel
- 013588160
- Electronic Command Signals Programmer Switching Unit
- 000533112
- Oscilloscope
- 001491399
- Radio Set Control
- 010618928
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 013063849
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Test Station
- 013829401
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 014239766
- Power Distribution Panel
- 009036385
- Module Tester
- 009036385
- Module Tester
- 012865266
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 009679651
- Propeller Test Set
- 001456829
- Radio Set
- 012931270
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 012941016
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 014145123
- Network Analyzer
- 010346140
- Radio Receiver
- 000698795
- Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- 010628194
- Communicat Terminal
- 014145126
- Guided Missile System Radar Signal Simulator Station
- 013304875
- Power Supply
- 013373598
- Test Adapter
- 005430012
- Telephone Set
- 010182505
- Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- 008688353
- Signal Generator
- 008920622
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 010346086
- Radio Receiver
- 006315501
- Radio Test Set
- 006315501
- Radio Test Set
- 000866135
- Telegraph Terminal
- 004224314
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 011664185
- Radar Test Set
- 011672971
- Radio Receiver
- 011709458
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 011776976
- Antenna Group
- 013129513
- Spectrum Analyzer
- 011762146
- Remote Ground Link
- 014145132
- Radar Transmitter
- 001681477
- Communications Central
- 012512720
- Antenna Group
- 011265557
- Antenna
- 010906819
- Data Processing Sys
- 011480430
- Modulator Assembly
- 011484177
- Remote Stat Control
- 012512758
- Optoelectronic Display
- 013471083
- Electronic Warfare Training Set
- 013153751
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 001681561
- Radio Terminal Set
- 001681562
- Radio Terminal Set
- 004244370
- Electrical Pulse Analyzer
- 011383351
- Frequency Voltmeter
- 011515264
- Interface Device Panel
- 011530525
- Guided Missile Guidance Section
- 006315501
- Radio Test Set
- 006315501
- Radio Test Set
- 010865863
- Ultrasonic Test Set
- 010920892
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 011863235
- Multiplexer-demulti
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 001233945
- Radio Receiver
- 010963454
- Power Supply
- 010970455
- Remote Switching Control
- 011051744
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Press Section
- 010294537
- Radio Receiver
- 010226393
- Radio Receiver
- 010536328
- Electrical And Electronic Test Equipment Test Set Subassembly
- 010556207
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 014178476
- Electric Desiccant Dehydrator
- 010600143
- Antenna System Test Set
- 010627591
- Power Supply Test Set
- 010269621
- Vpa Assembly
- 010692087
- Power Supply
- 001725176
- Radio Frequency Oscillator
- 010737468
- Re Control Assembly
- 008920871
- Radio Set
- 010631915
- Flight Lin Test Set
- 012546307
- Transmitter Group
- 001725177
- Loran Receiver
- 010314945
- Fuel Control System Components Test Station
- 010326914
- Oscilloscope
- 010338007
- Amplifier-power Supply
- 010345061
- Electrical And Electronic Test Equipment Test Set Subassembly
- 010346139
- Radio Receiver
- 010631916
- Survellance Informa
- 010362531
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 010362760
- Radio Receiver
- 010390086
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 010395002
- Radio Frequency Monitor
- 010418716
- Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- 010428160
- Power Supply
- 004343644
- Speech Equipment
- 010454650
- Radio Frequency Monitor
- 010459712
- Radio Frequency Transmission Line Switch
- 010462786
- Electrical Frequency Synthesizer
- 005431397
- Radio Set Control
- 010464132
- Radio Transmitter Control
- 010470199
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 010471193
- Radio Transmitting Set
- 010472483
- Radio Receiver
- 010489610
- Power Supply
- 010498535
- Radio Transmitter
- 010503133
- Signal Data Converter
- 009420856
- Radio Transmitter
- 009961130
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 009962465
- Control Test Set
- 009992411
- Amplifier-power Supply
- 010039929
- Modulator Subassembly
- 010064794
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 012554218
- Receiver Group
- 001061722
- Course Indicator
- 010110373
- Wind Direction And Speed Transmitter
- 010130444
- Oscilloscope Calibrator
- 011883435
- Direction Finder Set
- 010169623
- Countermeasures Receiver
- 011887441
- Signal Generator
- 009086004
- Doppler Simulator
- 009090436
- Ohmmeter
- 009178679
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 009201540
- Analog Test Set
- 005617476
- Simulator
- 009280364
- Sweep Generator
- 009283405
- Power Supply
- 009315467
- Computer Test Set
- 009480071
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 009386440
- Radio Test Set
- 009386979
- Photographic Film Processing Machine
- 009480076
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 009499909
- Radio Set Control Group
- 014351565
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 009604888
- Receiver-e Test Set
- 009612286
- Power Supply Test Set
- 009672260
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 010664493
- Test Station Group
- 009756921
- Radio Set
- 009759937
- Amplifier Test Set
- 008183037
- Stabilizatio Tester
- 008188616
- Aircraft Engine Test Set
- 008232559
- Power Supply
- 008925470
- Radar Test Set Group
- 004319339
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 008344000
- Computer Test Set
- 008559319
- Power Supply
- 008599355
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 005663067
- Signal Generator
- 011899782
- Air Conditioner
- 002534833
- Trigger-video Signal Selector
- 008948403
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 008990786
- Navigational Computer
- 007120884
- Radar Test Set
- 010674655
- Facsimile Set
- 007164386
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 007196134
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 007236740
- Antenna Coupler Control
- 007248059
- Oscilloscope
- 009008200
- Multiplexer
- 014430886
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 007353257
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 007393613
- Sweep Generator
- 007399027
- Insulation Breakdown Test Set
- 007519745
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 007531943
- Transponder Set Test Set
- 007532110
- Capacitance-inductance-resistance Bridge
- 009594326
- Remot Tone Receiver
- 007631001
- Radar Set Test Bench
- 007659181
- Oscilloscope
- 007763511
- Aircraft Pneumatic System Components Test Station
- 011934998
- Air Conditioner
- 007923445
- Audio Frequency Amplifier
- 007933544
- Automatic Pilot Test Set
- 007941801
- Electrical-electronic Equipment Test Station
- 007947603
- Electronic Systems Test Set
- 007999317
- Control Test Set
- 006059358
- Automatic Pilot Test Set
- 008931729
- Teletypewr Test Set
- 006106512
- Indicator Test Set
- 006106514
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 006106515
- Amplifier Test Set
- 006106629
- Control Test Set
- 006112239
- Test Control Panel
- 006113168
- Interference Blanker
- 006206366
- Multimeter
- 010288392
- Manual Telephone Central Office
- 014432317
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 006265537
- Radio Test Set
- 006265853
- Electrical Power Test Set
- 006313228
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 010688566
- Test Set Subassembly
- 006492790
- Computer Test Set
- 006493066
- Radio Test Set
- 006494849
- Audio Level Meter
- 009078300
- Telegraph Terminal
- 006653522
- Radio Transmitter
- 006757398
- Demodulator
- 001139768
- Power Supply
- 009679647
- Propeller Test Set
- 009679651
- Propeller Test Set
- 013203687
- Radar Surveillance Central
- 010288034
- Radio Receiver
- 010288035
- Radio Receiver
- 006577534
- 90 Millimeter Recoilless Rifle
- 006785013
- Insulation Breakdown Test Set
- 006790395
- Waveguide Slotted Line
- 008778380
- Digi Electric Timer
- 006916608
- Noise Generator
- 006924573
- Electrical Cable Test Set
- 013226485
- Data Analysis Central
- 014432318
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 005399280
- Oscilloscope
- 005462585
- Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- 005530394
- Quartz Crystal Unit Test Set
- 005530841
- Multimeter
- 010298728
- Bottle Cleaning-cha
- 009679647
- Propeller Test Set
- 005568108
- Synchro Test Set
- 011481772
- Meteorological Data
- 014432321
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 005785609
- Multimeter
- 005815258
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 005875980
- Aircraft Pro Tester
- 005900168
- Attitude Ind Tester
- 005900169
- Gyro Test Station
- 005906502
- Special Scale Meter
- 005937168
- Amplifier Test Set
- 005945772
- Amplifier Test Set
- 005945781
- Fire Control System Test Set
- 009857574
- Distribution Box
- 010326352
- Radio Receiver
- 006012663
- Electromechanical Actuator Testing Machine
- 006021678
- Mechanical Dynamometer
- 006021840
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 006030861
- Indicator Test Set
- 006035640
- Computer Test Set
- 013234779
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 005664990
- Wattmeter
- 009082003
- Control Transmitter
- 004758160
- Gyroscope Signal Simulator
- 012649757
- Communications Central
- 014432322
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 010226391
- Radio Receiver
- 004891275
- Oscilloscope
- 002043052
- Frequency Multiplier
- 009679651
- Propeller Test Set
- 004942937
- Spectrum Analyzer
- 004987402
- Electronic Components Assembly
- 010321694
- Telephone System
- 005006525
- Signal Generator
- 005042628
- Multimeter
- 005050945
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 005051102
- Video Amplifier
- 005052257
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 005052580
- Radio Receiver Subassembly
- 001172868
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 002043058
- Frequency Multiplier
- 005060114
- Electronic Control Amplifier
- 005073598
- Control Test Set
- 005078040
- Automatic Pilot Test Set
- 005091510
- Semiconductor Device Test Set
- 002050351
- Frequency Control S
- 014432333
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 006315501
- Radio Test Set
- 003230206
- Amplifier
- 003298844
- Hermetic Seal Stand
- 003424023
- Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
- 002132358
- Multiplexer Set
- 006473737
- Modulation Meter
- 003490176
- Mock-up Tester
- 009083132
- Interconnecting Box
- 011051556
- Photomechanical Sec
- 003910382
- Mock-up Tester
- 011051557
- Ts Map Layout Sect.
- 011051694
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Camera Section
- 011051743
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Plate Process Section
- 011051744
- Semitrailer Mounted Topographic Reproduction Set Press Section
- 004103248
- Gyro Test Station
- 004197201
- Guided Missile System Test Set
- 004245941
- Oscilloscope Mainframe
- 004319339
- Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- 004548710
- Tran Maint Facility
- 011055751
- Operations Section
- 011055752
- Storage And Distrib
- 011055753
- Distribution Sectio
- 004389095
- Radar Test Set
- 004389097
- Radar Test Set
- 004420312
- Accele Test Station
- 011055754
- Drafting Support Se
- 004456930
- Telephone Test Set
- 004470882
- Radar Test Set
- 004480364
- Test Set
- 004480366
- Test Set
- 001995513
- Radar Display Unit
- 011055755
- Compliation Section
- 011055756
- Topo Survey Section
- 012679479
- Radio Set
- 014440332
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 002234656
- Range Indicator Calibrator
- 011055757
- Maintenance Section
- 011055758
- Rectifier I Section
- 002291081
- Signal Generator
- 011055759
- Rectifier Ii Sectio
- 002510712
- Diffraction Grating Spectrometer
- 011055760
- Collection Section
- 011055761
- Analysis Section
- 002549347
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 002214939
- Transportable Shelter Lift Dolly Set
- 011055762
- Information Section
- 011055763
- Synthesis Section
- 011055764
- Direct Support Sect
- 011056442
- Paper Conditioning
- 012089755
- Electrical Distributing System
- 013260101
- Signal Data Converter
- 002837900
- Coordinate Data Recorder
- 009083133
- Interconnecting Box
- 011056443
- T Finishing Section
- 011066815
- Mosaicking And Draf
- 003023629
- Radio Signal Distribution Panel
- 003036728
- Displacement Gyroscope
- 001213148
- Electronic Test Digital Data Analyzer
- 001233937
- Radio Receiver
- 001233945
- Radio Receiver
- 001233954
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 001233965
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 001312751
- Oscilloscope
- 001321608
- Transmitter Test Set
- 012685105
- Radio Set
- 001334627
- Oscilloscope
- 001390474
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001390475
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001390476
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001390477
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001467980
- Power Supply
- 001467982
- Electrical Synchronizer
- 001467983
- Power Supply
- 001556078
- Ground Handling Equipment Adapter
- 001646642
- Tube Per Repair Kit
- 001655850
- Oscilloscope
- 001679863
- Oscilloscope
- 013260710
- Commu Switching Set
- 001233937
- Radio Receiver
- 010709415
- Radar Set
- 011519921
- Radio Set
- 000178867
- Signal Generator
- 001233944
- Radio Transmitter
- 001233945
- Radio Receiver
- 007058932
- Van Semitrailer
- 000410372
- Power Supply
- 000563040
- Electronic Circuit Plug-in Unit Test Set
- 001233952
- Radio Transmitting Set
- 001338841
- Radio Repeater Set
- 000632862
- Aircraft Mooring Tie Down
- 000713851
- Computer Test Set
- 000721927
- Signal Data Converter
- 000738746
- Guided Missile Test Set
- 000738747
- Guided Missile System Components Test Station
- 000754976
- Indicator Test Set
- 000764377
- Indicator Test Set
- 011055108
- Test Adapter
- 012141245
- Offset Printing Press
- 002346114
- Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- 001152587
- Oscilloscope
Pricing & Availability Check
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Ordering from buyaircraftparts.comIf you would like to order this cartridge fuse (NSN 5920-00-280-8342)
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Hours: | 08:00-18:00 Eastern Standard Time |
Phone: | +1 470-231-0824 |
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Schedule B and Export
- Schedule B: 8536100020
- SITC: 77251
- End Use: Electric apparatus
- NAICS: 335313
- USDA: 1
Freight Class: Fuses, glass cartridge, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 volts
Highest Rated Parts
223B066-1-1 Radio Frequency Transformer
NSN 5950-00-677-1506
9G0003 Terminal Cover
NSN 5940-01-467-1020
X3-281-60000-10 Temperature Regulating Valve
NSN 4820-01-294-5889
ST-6000 Communications Modem
NSN 5895-01-550-2401
Recently Purchased Parts
G235A007-6 Nonmetallic Grommet
NSN 5325-01-211-6010
H397635-854 Cable Assembly
NSN 5995-01-626-5385
46-064 Carpenter's Square
NSN 5210-01-428-5341
4043517C1 Fluid Filter Element
NSN 4330-01-507-4201
Hot Parts
ADD-200C/AHDC24 Air Conditioning Pl
NSN 4120-01-352-5689
D15-653JPC711-712 Bushing With Key
NSN 2825-00-446-9255
259-2414-010 Rotary Switch
NSN 5930-00-930-7477
0N057432-27 Cable Marker Sleeve
NSN 5975-00-189-4704