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- FSG 53 | Hardware And Abrasives
- FSC 5310 | Nuts And Washers
- 34017-16-AB (1)
Model: 34017-16-AB (1)
Lock WasherProperties:
A washer which is usually round with a centrally located hole. Its edges and two bearing surfaces are so designed that applied pressure brings into play the spring tension and/or frictional locking principle which materially resists any tendency toward turning. It may be made of one or two pieces
Part 34017-16-AB (1) NSN 5310-00-933-8778
Material Classification
Hazardous material, precious metals, criticality, enviroment, and electrostatic discharge indicatorsPackaging & Shipping
Freight Classification
End Items End applications NSN 5310-00-933-8778 is a component of
- B-52 Aircraft Support Equipment
- B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- Aircraft Refueler R-14 Vehicle
- Satellite An/gsc-39(v)1 Communications Terminal
- L.p. Compressors
- Fire Pumps
- Stream (std. Tensioned Replenishment At Sea Method)
- An/tlq-17a Traffic Jam
- An/tpn-18 Radar Set
- 003927743
- Teletypewriter Set
- 010040825
- Teletypewriter
- 010543796
- Communications Term
- 013961734
- Satellite Communication Control Central
- 013199032
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 000533112
- Oscilloscope
- 010040827
- Teletypewriter
- 000698795
- Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- 005430012
- Telephone Set
- 010040826
- Teletypewriter
- 004343644
- Speech Equipmen
- 013523021
- Tracked Ammunition Carrier
- 011863235
- Multiplexer-demulti
- 011368745
- Cargo Carrier
- 010784607
- Countermeasures Set
- 009308079
- Multiplexer
- 012591060
- Spectrum Analyzer
- 009308078
- Multiplexer
- 005717632
- Teletypewriter
- 001681781
- Air Conditioner
- 011291794
- Hydrauli Mast Group
- 011646853
- Satellite Communica
- 010887337
- Antenna Assembly
- 011776976
- Antenna Group
- 009350033
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 012512720
- Antenna Group
- 012512758
- Optoelectronic Display
- 012369041
- Flight Control System Test Set
- 010705685
- Satellite Communica
- 010897518
- Satellite Communica
- 010538624
- Hard Copy Unit
- 014063733
- Trailer Mounted Target Tracking Antenna-receiver-transmitter Group
- 011689607
- Satellite Communica
- 003949582
- Trailer Mounted Electric Power Plant
- 003949577
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 005223739
- Purge And Pill Unit
- 013153751
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 004043281
- Gyro Stabi Test Set
- 012685105
- Radio Set
- 010828404
- Voice Terminal
- 009499909
- Radio Set Control Group
- 005536061
- Teletypewriter
- 012512114
- Truck Kit Installat
- 005382736
- Semitrailer Mounted Petroleum Laboratory
- 005382736
- Semitrailer Mounted Petroleum Laboratory
- 012056213
- Antenna
- 012590858
- Amplifier-control Group
- 013726393
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 013726394
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 009046253
- Radio Frequency Rotary Coupler
- 010618928
- Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- 008962236
- Fire Control Quadrant
- 001681477
- Communications Central
- 009283382
- Multiplexer
- 001681556
- Radio Teletypewriter Set
- 013094494
- Communications Modem
- 012419710
- Tele Central Office
- 011618964
- Boresight Test Set
- 014373996
- Semitrailer Mounted Electric Power Plant
- 012479118
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 000186868
- Portable Photographic Darkroom
- 010631915
- Flight Lin Test Set
- 010288392
- Manual Telephone Central Office
- 010288393
- Manual Telephone Central Office
- 010989110
- Pressure Fluid Filter Unit
- 009420856
- Radio Transmitter
- 010288364
- High Speed Buffer
- 009355416
- Air Conditioner
- 004244370
- Electrical Pulse Analyzer
- 010920892
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 012679477
- Radio Set
- 004020748
- Motion Picture Camera
- 012503719
- Air Conditioner
- 011178692
- Training Device Gun Mount
- 013689500
- Tracked Ammunition Carrier
- 011178692
- Training Device Gun Mount
- 011178692
- Training Device Gun Mount
- 010544104
- Imagery Interpretat
- 013258555
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 014432322
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 014432318
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 010845293
- Antenna-transceiver
- 014224682
- Trailer Mounted Communications Antenna
- 011304778
- Power Supply
- 012554218
- Receiver Group
- 011963460
- Industrial Radiographic X-ray Apparatus
- 011994153
- Chemical Agent Monitor
- 009454831
- Antenna
- 013301864
- Management Facility
- 014432317
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 013635118
- Message Swi Central
- 014145126
- Guided Missile System Radar Signal Simulator Station
- 014062090
- Flat Bed Trailer
- 012466826
- Telephone Set
- 012484760
- 013471083
- Electronic Warfare Training Set
- 013469317
- Utility Truck
- 010631916
- Survellance Informa
- 013234779
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 001387990
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 013301865
- Switching Group
- 011668046
- Satellite Communica
- 014145132
- Radar Transmitter
- 013294803
- Lg Exten Node Switc
- 013294807
- Operations Group
- 013301866
- Operations Group
- 011006815
- Radio Teletypewriter Set
- 010832896
- Anc Key Gen Fra
- 011759853
- Amplifier Linear
- 001066445
- Battery Charger
- 013180642
- Key Distribution Ce
- 009353850
- Photographic Contact Printer
- 013613888
- Line Termination Unit
- 012624611
- Communicationsterm
- 004435511
- Radio Teletypewriter Set
- 009374401
- Spectr Analyzer Oil
- 004043280
- Navigation Test Set
- 007520603
- Radar Set
- 012830101
- Tel Central Office
- 013179117
- Linkage Assembly
- 014108980
- Receiver Group
- 010269621
- Vpa Assembly
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 007520603
- Radar Set
- 005032652
- Teletypewriter Set
- 005032764
- Teletypewriter
- 014003219
- Antenna
- 007969686
- Tank Periscope
- 012400577
- Communications Central
- 011219558
- Communications Term
- 011035641
- Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- 011035641
- Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- 014003217
- Semitrailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 013180641
- Transition Unit Fra
- 011817175
- Electronic Frequency Converter
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 013746643
- Satellite Signals Navigation Set
- 009262593
- Antenna
- 009695874
- Skid Mounted Water Purification Unit
- 010269620
- Punched Reader
- 010321694
- Telephone System
- 011334195
- Radio Set
- 010269618
- Electrical Tran
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 014003218
- Radar Set
- 011481772
- Meteorological Data
- 012609945
- Radio Set
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 011560572
- Ex Quick Erect Mast
- 009857574
- Distribution Box
- 011483977
- Radio Terminal Set
- 013498064
- Communications Central
- 010628194
- Communicat Terminal
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 001172868
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 011483976
- Radio Terminal Set
- 011463260
- Kg-84a
- 000871609
- Searchlight
- 008920622
- Radio Receiver-transmitter
- 011312685
- Water Chiller
- 011740272
- Communication System Control Group
- 001139768
- Power Supply
- 007520603
- Radar Set
- 007520603
- Radar Set
- 014440332
- Automatic Telephone Central Office
- 005756749
- Frequency Standard
- 005663067
- Signal Generator
- 001418050
- Cargo Trailer
- 011035641
- Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- 011035641
- Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- 000090129
- Antenna
- 010288425
- Multiplexer
- 013704912
- Fire Fighting Trailer
- 009441832
- Circuit Card Assembly
- 001342599
- Telephone Set
- 005032760
- Teletypewriter
- 014430886
- Surveillance Information Processing Center
- 005628900
- Video Amplifier
- 010269622
- Wla Assembly
- 009995277
- Modem Radio
- 001270079
- Oscilloscope
- 013874520
- Radio Repeater Set
- 010776249
- Communication System
- 014445370
- Signal Scanner
- 014125345
- Warehouse Crane Truck
- 002897515
- Low Bed Semitrailer
- 014450949
- Operations Group
- 014445393
- Antenna Synchro
- 007825278
- 013874813
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 009194800
- Radio Teletyp Modem
- 005190103
- Power Supply
- 009192007
- Navigation Test Set
- 001335879
- Power Supply
- 010429860
- Communications Term
- 014107179
- Frame Mounted Water Purification Hypochlorination Unit
- 014125345
- Warehouse Crane Truck
- 004099074
- Radar Set
- 012300307
- Cargo Truck
- 004651030
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 014125345
- Warehouse Crane Truck
- 015096225
- Aircraft Radar Test Bench Cooling Circuit
- 010040301
- Telephone Set
- 012466872
- Electronic Equipment Installation Kit
- 012755061
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 009392181
- Radio Set Subassemb
- 009083133
- Interconnecting Box
- 001248678
- Telephone Set
- 011560456
- Radio Set
- 011570996
- Air Conditioner
- 011580820
- Cargo Truck
- 009264136
- Air Conditioner
- 012230267
- Power Supply
- 010429859
- Commumications Term
- 013846922
- Air Conditioner
- 014442719
- Node Center Switch
- 014445385
- Large Extension Nod
- 014450948
- Operations Group
- 013876700
- Radio Terminal Set
- 011135343
- Communications Term
- 013874544
- Radio Repeater Set
- 013874593
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 013874952
- Radio Terminal Set
- 009857899
- Power Supply
- 013875782
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 009124251
- Transportable Shelter Lift Dolly Set
- 001383006
- Tank Truck
- 013260710
- Commu Switching Set
- 009082003
- Control Transmitter
- 000331389
- Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 013260712
- Communica Processor
- 013261798
- Radio Receiving Set
- 006762176
- Telescope Mount
- 013293356
- Digital Computer
- 010769947
- Antenna Group
- 006838595
- Space Heater
- 012747392
- Diesel Engine Generator Set
- 011135344
- Communications Term
- 013874662
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 002237548
- Radio Set
- 010709415
- Radar Set
- 013380526
- Target Acquisition Subsystem
- 009994935
- Nonexpandable Shelter
- 011104660
- Tracked Ammunition Carrier
- 003079376
- Radio Receiving Set
- 010079401
- Satellite Communica
- 010079403
- Satellite Communica
- 000784771
- Radio Frequency Amplifier
- 010079429
- Antenna Group
- 005924645
- Air Conditioner
- 009377690
- Power Supply
- 010177040
- Fire Direction Cent
- 011699255
- Battery Charger
- 013498078
- Signal Data Converter
- 013511480
- Data Processing Terminal
- 013613887
- Line Termination Unit
- 010606690
- Modem Test Set
- 009078300
- Telegraph Terminal
- 010079427
- Antenna Group
- 001860640
- Dial Telephone Central Office
- 014062333
- Transmitter Control Group
- 013413350
- Security Data S
- 008715475
- Linkage Assembly
- 010960428
- Radio Teletypewriter Set
- 013260101
- Signal Data Converter
- 013696081
- Cargo Carrier
- 008920758
- Antenna Group
- 003488446
- Tank Periscope Mount
- 013294811
- Switching Group
- 010969356
- Cargo Carrier
- 009083132
- Interconnecting Box
- 012649757
- Communications Central
- 009594326
- Remot Tone Receiver
- 012546307
- Transmitter Group
- 014003216
- Operations Central
- 012885510
- Antenna Group
- 011026307
- Satellite C Central
- 013294805
- Node Center Switch
- 001343652
- Guided Missile Shipping And Storage Container
- 011083651
- Electrical Power Test Set
- 013048597
- Electron Tube Liquid Cooler
- 010951211
- Radio Teletypewriter Set
- 001189661
- Antenna Group
- 010304113
- Electronic Plug-in
Pricing & Availability Check
Submit this form for stock availability and pricing.How to Order
Ordering from buyaircraftparts.comIf you would like to order this lock washer (NSN 5310-00-933-8778)
please submit the pricing and availability form above to receive an up to date quote by email.
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We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve you.
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Hours: | 08:00-18:00 Eastern Standard Time |
Phone: | +1 470-231-0824 |
Email: | Contact Form » |
Schedule B and Export
- Schedule B: 7318210000
- SITC: 69422
- End Use: Finished metal shapes
- NAICS: 332722
- USDA: 1
Freight Class: Spring washers and other lock washers, iron or steel
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