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- NSN 6695-01-367-9723
NSN 6695-01-367-9723
Motional Pickup TransducerPricing & Availability Check
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This product may be available in the following quantities and conditions.
- SV: 1
- NE: 4
- NS: 2
Please note that inventory for this NSN was updated 03/13/2025 and may have changed since then. Request a quote for up to date pricing and availability.
Product Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "TRANSDUCER,MOTIONAL PICKUP"
An item that translates linear displacements of a gas, liquid, or solids into comparable electrical signals for application to equipment, such as telemetric data transmitting set, indicator, recorder, dual air data sensors, and the like. Item can measure pneumatic pressures from pitot impact, pitot-static, and static pressure ports with sensors and convert the pressures to electrical signals. Does not include mechanical linkage, amplifier, or indicator. Excludes sensitive switches and other items that operate on an on-off principal, synchros, and potentiometric type computer devices. See also transmitter (as modified) and transducer, supersonic test.
Major End Items End items to which 6695-01-367-9723 is a component of
- N/A 6115012747388
- N/A Diesel Engine Generator Set
6695-01-367-9723 Spec. NSN part characteristics
Cross Reference Parts Part numbers that meet the specification outlined on this page and set by the OEM
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates there is no data in the hmirs and the nsn is in a fsc not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.
Item does not contain precious metal.
Represents items with no adp components
The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
No special type of cargo code applicable.
Instruments, scientific.
Trailers, vehicles, machinery, shop and warehouse equipment and supplies including special tools and equipment, ground servicing.
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Other or no special handling required (sh)