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- NSN 5320-00-117-6939
NSN 5320-00-117-6939
Solid RivetPricing & Availability Check
Submit this form for stock availability and pricing.Inventory
This product may be available in the following quantities and conditions.
- NS: 10609
- NE: 28713
- SV: 2131
- OH: 1
- AR: 1
Please note that inventory for this NSN was updated 03/03/2025 and may have changed since then. Request a quote for up to date pricing and availability.
Product Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "RIVET,SOLID"
A headed fastening device having a smooth solid shank designed to have the shank end upset after insertion.
Major End Items End items to which 5320-00-117-6939 is a component of
- N/A (02m Jul83)(an/ An/tpn-18; Airborne Mobile Dir Air Spt Ctl (2id) An/trq-32; Radar Set W/s:teammate
- N/A Advanced Medi B-1 Aircraft; Missile B-52 Aircraft; Support Equipment A-10; Suppoort Equipment Ii
- ABF B-52 Aircraft Support Equipment
- ABM (02m Jul83)(an/uyq-3a) Airborne Mobile Dir Air Spt Ctl (2id)
- ACF B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- ADA An/trq-32 Teammate
- ADF Advanced Medium Range Air-to-air (amraam)/aim120a Missile
- AGA Satellite An/gsc-39(v)1 Communications Terminal
- AKA An/tlq-17a Traffic Jam
- ANA An/tpn-18 Radar Set
- ATF Hc-130) Ec-130e Mc-130h Sof ( Ac-130h Aircraft
- ABK Ch 47 (rotary Wing Aircraft)
- N/A Mounting Bracket
- N/A Communications Term
- N/A Electronic Systems Test Set
- N/A Power Supply
- N/A Air Conditioner
- N/A Telegraph-telephone Signal Converter
- N/A Visual Approach Pat
- N/A Modulator Subassembly
- N/A Guided Missile Test Set
- N/A Digital Data Modem
- N/A Countermeasures Canister Assembly
- N/A Signal Generator
- N/A Radiac Detector Charger
- N/A Aft Contr Indicator
- N/A Radio Test Set
- N/A Signal Data Converter
- N/A Azimuth-range Indicator
- N/A Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- N/A Antenna Group
- N/A Compressor
- N/A Telemetric Data Analyzer
- N/A Radar Test Set
- N/A Diesel Engine Generator Set
- N/A Aircraft Fuel Tank
- N/A Interrogator Set
- N/A Synchrophaser Assem
- N/A Punched Tape Reader
- N/A Turbine Engine Air Transfer Scroll
- N/A Wrapping Wire Kit
- N/A Indicator Panel
- N/A Aerial Refueling Receptacle Slipway
- N/A Gas Turbine Engine
- N/A Test Adapter
- N/A Aircraft Navigational Light
- N/A Electrical-electronic Test Equipment Plug-in Unit
- N/A Distribution Box
- N/A Circuit Card Assembly
- N/A Amplifier-power Supply
- N/A Communication System
- N/A Input-output Unit
- N/A Flight Refueling Probe Receptacle Assembly
- N/A Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- N/A Computer Test Set
- N/A Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Regulator
- N/A Satellite Communica
- N/A Fuel Management Panel
- N/A Converter-monitor
- N/A Battery Charger
- N/A Electrical And Electronic Test Equipment Test Set Subassembly
- N/A Elect Rack Assembly
- N/A Access Cover
- N/A Radar Warning Syste
- N/A Indicator Light Assembly
- N/A Oscilloscope
- N/A Air Data Computer
- N/A Electrical-electronic Test And Measuring Equipment Case
- N/A Int Console Monitor
- N/A Automatic Pilot Controls Rack
- N/A Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- N/A Cargo Truck
- N/A Gas T Generator Set
- N/A Electrical Switch Retainer
- N/A Spectrum Analyzer
- N/A Angle Bracket
- N/A Radio Receiver
- N/A Hydrauli Valve Assy
- N/A Target Desi Control
- N/A Radio Set Control
- N/A Compens Valve Assy
- N/A Digital Computer
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fan Frame
- N/A Radio Receiving Set
- N/A Electronic Equipment Maintenance Kit
- N/A Digital Display Indicator
- N/A Bus I Computer Unit
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fan Case
- N/A Double Angle Bracket
- N/A Electrical Connector Bracket
- N/A Aircraft Air Temperature Electrical/electronic Control Box
- N/A Navigational Computer
- N/A Printed Circuit Board Holder
- N/A Electrical-electronic Equipment Panel
- N/A Nonexpandable Shelter
- N/A Electric Light Control
- N/A Band Deck Assembly
- N/A Coder-decoder Case
- N/A Pulse Generator
- N/A Purge And Pill Unit
- N/A Multiplexer
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fan Component Support
- N/A Multiple Angle Bracket
- N/A Test Station Group
- N/A Audio-video Switching Unit
- N/A Antenna Assembly
- N/A Radar Set Subassembly
- N/A Signal Data Processor
- N/A Alarm-monitor
- N/A Gyro Sta Test Stand
- N/A Semitrailer Mounted Electronic Shop
- N/A Voltage Regulator
- N/A Electrical-electronic Equipment Chassis
- N/A Fas Test Set Group
- N/A Control-display Unit
- N/A Prefabricated Refrigerator
- N/A Transmitter Subassembly
- N/A Electronic Components Assembly
- N/A Air Conditioning Filter Element
- N/A Radiac Set
- N/A Radar Receiving Set
- N/A Cargo Carrier
- N/A Antenna Control
- N/A Radio Frequency Switching Group
- N/A Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator Set
- N/A Tel Flash Protector
- N/A Radio Receiver-transmitter
- N/A Attack Helicopter
- N/A Sensor Display Map
- N/A Video Mapping Group
- N/A Converter Assembly
- N/A Telephone Test Set
- N/A Aircraft Door
- N/A Low Noise Amplifier
- N/A Ground Handling Equipment Adapter
- N/A Carriage Assembly
- N/A Ra Transmitting Set
- N/A Airport Runway Instrument Landing Indicator
- N/A Radar Receiver-transmitter
- N/A Control-indicator Group
- N/A Weapon System Access Door
- N/A Elec Eqpt Chassis
- N/A Air Cond Ventilator
- N/A Venti Door Assembly
- N/A Indicator Group
- N/A Aircraft Environmental Control Valve Assembly
- N/A Electronic Control Amplifier
- N/A Ca Electronics Unit
- N/A Branched Electrical Special Purpose Cable Assembly
- N/A Defle Beam Assembly
- N/A Training Guided Missile
- N/A Aircraft Bomb Rack
- N/A Radar Target Indicator
- N/A Electrical-electronic Equipment Control Panel
- N/A Telecommunication System Test Set
- N/A Guided Missile Coolant Recharging Unit
- N/A Static Power Inverter
- N/A Azimuth-elevation-range Indicator
- N/A Multi Power Supply
- N/A Signal Data Recorder
- N/A Radar Modulator
- N/A Indi Test Set Group
- N/A Test Facilities Kit
- N/A Radar Display Unit
- N/A Monitor Panel
- N/A Navigation Test Set
- N/A Digital Readout Electronic Counter
- N/A Countermeasures Receiving Set
- N/A Indicator Control
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fan Vane Assembly
- N/A Radio Frequency Amplifier
- N/A Gyro Stabi Test Set
- N/A Actuat Bracket Assy
- N/A Cargo-transport Helicopter
- N/A Radio Beacon Set
- N/A Interface Device Adapter Assembly
- N/A Signal Processor
- N/A Antenna System Test Set
- N/A Generator Control
- N/A Aircraft Pylon
- N/A Fir Range Indicator
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Bearing Support
- N/A Lazer Pointi Camera
- N/A Subassembly Countermeasure Set
- N/A Flight Refueling Reception Coupling Collar
- N/A Seat Base Tube
- N/A Test Facility Kit
- N/A Signal Generator Test Set
- N/A Sequential Timer
- N/A Utility Truck
- N/A Rectifier Assembly
- N/A Telephone Set
- N/A Video Decoder
- N/A Radio Transmitter
- N/A Air Traffic Control
- N/A Radar Data Processor
- N/A Control Box
- N/A Oscillating Group
- N/A Rol Gimbal Assembly
- N/A Horizontal Stabilizer
- N/A Electrical Test Panel
- N/A Radar Transmitter
- N/A Microwave Stimulus
- N/A Lru 12 Indicator
- N/A Channel Assy
- N/A Lru 13 Indicator
- N/A Electrical Frequency Synthesizer
- N/A Chassis Assembly
- N/A Laser Control
- N/A Countermeasures Equipment Housing
- N/A Antenna Pedestal
- N/A Test Set
- N/A Signal Generator As
- N/A Position And Azimut
- N/A Antenna Pedestal Subassembly
- N/A Antiskid Control Unit
- N/A Countermeasures Receiver
- N/A Aircraft Maintenance Test Data Computer
- N/A Receiver Control
- N/A Selector Control Subassembly
- N/A Electron Tube Shield
- N/A Radio Transmitter Control
- N/A Guided Missile System Radar Signal Simulator Station
- N/A Antenna
- N/A Interface Device Panel
- N/A Duplexer
- N/A Truck Kit Installat
- N/A Electrical Pulse Analyzer
- N/A Test Set Subassembly
- N/A Reli Pressure Valve
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Air Seal
- N/A Radar Tra Generator
- N/A Electrical Synchronizer
- N/A General Purpose Access Door
- N/A Radar Test Kit
- N/A Electronic Warfare Training Set
- N/A Electrical Equipment Rack
- N/A Amplifier-detector
- N/A Stabilator
- N/A Spline Self-locking Nut
- N/A Control Inverter
- N/A Fast F Display Unit
- N/A Aircraft Elevator
- N/A Radar Transmitter Subassembly
- N/A Te Chassis Assembly
- N/A Chassis And Matrix
- N/A Electrical Con Base
- N/A Intratarget Data Indicator
- N/A Kg-84a
- N/A Electronic Shop Sem
- N/A Gas Storage Assembl
- N/A Temperat Calibrator
- N/A Aft Indicator
- N/A Electrical Equipment Chassis
- N/A Laser Tran Test Set
- N/A Electrical Equipment Cabinet
- N/A Noise Level Meter
- N/A Lower Half Plenum
- N/A Motional Pickup Transducer
- N/A Receiver Control
- N/A Radar Test Set Group
- N/A Digit Modem Control
- N/A Aircraft Bomb Container
- N/A Control-monitor Subassembly
- N/A Cowling
- N/A Constant Speed Control Generator-transmission
- N/A Amplifier-power Supply Subassembly
- N/A Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Seal Support
- N/A Turnlock Fastener Receptacle
- N/A Aircraft Pylon Section
- N/A Destruct Safety Ass
- N/A High Speed Buffer
- N/A Electronic Rack Ass
- N/A Electrical-electronic Equipment Test Station
- N/A Countermeasures Dispensing Set Test Set
- N/A Power Supply Subassembly
- N/A Plenum Assembly
- N/A Distribution Assemb
- N/A Frequency Standard
- N/A Electronic Frequency Converter
- N/A Mission Data Loader
- N/A Duct Type Air Cooling Coil
- N/A Television Camera Control
- N/A Orderwire Unit
- N/A Mock Up Bench
- N/A Modulator-module
- N/A Mou Tripod Assembly
- N/A Radar Receiver
- N/A In Navigational Set
- N/A Speech Equipment
- N/A Gas Turbine Engine Power Unit
- N/A Communicat Terminal
- N/A Aileron
- N/A Radio Frequency Exciter
- N/A Antenna Drive
- N/A Safety Relief Valve
- N/A Reeling Mechanism
- N/A Computer Subassembly
- N/A Crash Control Unit
- N/A Electr Test Station
- N/A Aircraft Cabin Air Pressure Controller
- N/A Automatic M Counter
- N/A R Mounting Platform
- N/A Junction Box Assembly
- N/A Display Test Bench
- N/A Automatic Pilot Engaging Controller
- N/A Receiver-transmitter-test Set Group
- N/A Electrical Connector Retaining Plate
- N/A Backplane Assembly
- N/A Aircraft Windshield Panel
- N/A Radio Terminal Set
- N/A Missile Guidance Set Receiver-transmitter
- N/A Gas Accessory Assy
- N/A Guided Missile Components Access Cover
- N/A Aircraft Guided Missile Launcher
- N/A Generator Stator
- N/A Linear Electro-mechanical Actuator
- N/A Coder-decoder Group
- N/A Radio Frequency Rotary Coupler
- N/A Close Channel Assy
- N/A Computer Test Set Adapter Group
- N/A Fuel Management Computer
- N/A Radar Set Test Bench
- N/A Programmer
- N/A Electronic Components Housing
- N/A Application Program Set
- N/A Test Facilities Set
- N/A Power Supply Assembly
- N/A Tube Nipple
- N/A Control Test Set
- N/A Test Bench Assembly
- N/A Bomb R Channel Assy
- N/A Nonaircraft Gas Turbine Engine
- N/A Hub Assembly
- N/A Frequency Selector Control
- N/A Amplifier Assembly
- N/A Radar Set Control
- N/A Guided Missile Test Station
- N/A Satellite Signals Navigation Set
- N/A Oute Cover Assembly
- N/A Rate Gyroscope Test Set
- N/A Metal Tube Assembly
- N/A Shroud Assembly Com
- N/A Van Semitrailer
- N/A Telephone Line Equalizer
- N/A Mounting Plate
- N/A Power Supply Control
- N/A Amplifier Control
- N/A Enclosure Assembly
- N/A Electrical System Protection Panel
- N/A Antenna Coupler
- N/A Optical Element Retaining Ring
- N/A Turnlock Fastener Stud Assembly
5320-00-117-6939 Spec. NSN part characteristics
Cross Reference Parts Part numbers that meet the specification outlined on this page and set by the OEM
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates there is no data in the hmirs and the nsn is in a fsc not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.
Item does not contain precious metal.
Represents items with no adp components
The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Import and Export
Schedule B Codes Definitions:
Aluminum Rivets
Finished Metal Shapes
Nails, Tacks, Staples (excluding Staples In Strips For Office Etc. Use), Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Washers and Similar Articles, Of Aluminum
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
No special type of cargo code applicable.
Metal hardware.
Construction materials: includes paint and related materials, prefabricated building, wood products, metal and composition mater.
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Other or no special handling required (sh)
DLA Forecast / History
Industrial Hardware Supply Chain01/2017 | 08/2017 |
393.00 | 109.00 |