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- NSN 5310-00-894-3637
NSN 5310-00-894-3637
Extended Washer Self-locking NutPricing & Availability Check
Submit this form for stock availability and pricing.Product Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "NUT,SELF-LOCKING,EXTENDED WASHER"
A nut having 6 flat sides and an integral washer which extends beyond the flats or periphery. An integral feature is incorporated for locking on the threads of a mating member.
Major End Items End items to which 5310-00-894-3637 is a component of
- A1N Close In Weapon System (ciws-phalanx)
- AAN An/slq-32 Countermeasure Set
- ACF B-1 Aircraft Support Equipment
- ADF Advanced Medium Range Air-to-air (amraam)/aim120a Missile
- ATF Hc-130) Ec-130e Mc-130h Sof ( Ac-130h Aircraft
- BBN Phoenix (aim-54) Air-to-air Missile
- BEN Harpoon (agm-84) All-weather Anti-ship Missile
- BNN Mk 50 Torpedo Systems
- BPN C-2a (reprocured) Aircraft
- N/A Servo Assembly
- N/A Oscillating Group
- N/A Elect Rack Assembly
- N/A Oscillator Assembly
- N/A Rocket Motor
- N/A Mount Assembly
- N/A Radio Receiver-transmitter
- N/A Control Sub Assembl
- N/A Noncrystal Controlled Oscillator
- N/A Electr Test Station
- N/A Radar Test Set
- N/A Power Supply
- N/A P Computer Test Set
- N/A Air Traffic Control Group
- N/A Interface Device Holding Fixture Assembly
- N/A Distribution Box
- N/A Aircraft Fairing
- N/A Hydraulic Reservoir
- N/A Control Cam Assembly
- N/A Aircraft Door
- N/A Satellite Signals Navigation Set
- N/A Aircraft Wing Spoiler
- N/A Speed Increaser Gear Assembly
- N/A Aircraft Access Door
- N/A Servo
- N/A Countermeasures Test Set Group
- N/A Cable Reel
- N/A Mk8 Module Assembly
- N/A Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
- N/A Hydraulic Servocylinder Assembly
- N/A Aircraft Components Test Set Subassembly
- N/A Metal Tube Assembly
- N/A Radar Receiver
- N/A Motional Pickup Transducer
- N/A Radar Set Subassembly
- N/A Electrical Synchronizer
- N/A Frequency Multiplier-oscillator
- N/A Missile Restraint D
- N/A Chassis And Matrix
- N/A Transmitter Subassembly
- N/A Test Station Group
- N/A Guided Missile System Power Distribution Set
- N/A Nonexpandable Shelter
- N/A Coder-decoder Case
- N/A Gyro Test Station
- N/A Aircraft Engine Build-up Parts Kit
- N/A Air-antitank Defense Missile System Carrier
- N/A Fuselage Section
- N/A Gas Storage Assembl
- N/A Telephone Set
- N/A Aircraft Structural Plate
- N/A Rt Electronics
- N/A Fire Direction Cent
- N/A Power Distribution-reference Signal Group
- N/A Synchronizer
- N/A Computer Assembly
- N/A Inertial Device Test Set
- N/A Air Traffic Control
- N/A Retractable Landing Gear
- N/A Control Cam
- N/A Pressure Indicator
- N/A Aircraft Cargo Rail Assembly
- N/A Shouldered Shaft Assembly
- N/A Aircraft Structural Panel
- N/A Full Tracked Personnel Carrier
- N/A Aircraft Component Hoisting Unit
- N/A Training Guided Missile Body Section
- N/A Communications Central
- N/A Aircraft Fuel Tank Float Valve
- N/A Aircraft Structural Component Support
- N/A Storage Rack Adapter
- N/A Display Test Bench
- N/A Electrical-electronic Equipment Chassis
- N/A Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
- N/A Interrogator Set
- N/A Aircraft Access Cover
- N/A Backplane Assembly
- N/A Air Conditioner
- N/A Missile-bomb Guidance Computer
- N/A Trailer Mounted Communications Antenna
5310-00-894-3637 Spec. NSN part characteristics
Cross Reference Parts Part numbers that meet the specification outlined on this page and set by the OEM
Identification Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
Special material and handling
Indicates there is no data in the hmirs and the nsn is in a fsc not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials.
Precious metal content is unknown
The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Import and Export
Schedule B Codes Definitions:
Nuts Of Iron Or Steel
Finished Metal Shapes
Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Screw Hooks, Rivets, Washers and Similar Articles, Threaded, Of Iron Or Steel
National motor freight and handling
Freight Codes Definitions:
No special type of cargo code applicable.
Bolts or nuts (iron or steel),(less than 35 feet).
Construction materials: includes paint and related materials, prefabricated building, wood products, metal and composition mater.
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.
Other or no special handling required (sh)
DLA Forecast / History
Industrial Hardware Supply Chain11/2016 | 09/2017 |
15662.00 | 1613.00 |