NSN Drilldown - Electrical Motors FSC 6105

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  • 570-415 direct current motor
    NSN 6105-00-022-2490

    Continuous duty cycle, totally inclosed inclosure feature, nonventilated cooling method, commercial inclosure specification, a2 single style single end shaft end characteristic

  • 0000-4319 direct current motor
    NSN 6105-00-022-3329

    4.380 inches overall height, 4.180 inches overall length, 4.380 inches overall width, 0.5000 inches identical ends shaft diameter

  • 99281 alternating current motor
    NSN 6105-00-022-3333

    3.810 inches overall height, 4.115 inches overall length, 3.810 inches overall width, clockwise single end shaft rotation direction

  • E4874M1-2 flange assembly
    NSN 6105-00-022-7806

    Flange Assembly

  • 32200-3 alternating current motor
    NSN 6105-00-022-9570


  • AS3 motor armature
    NSN 6105-00-022-9577


  • 1507352-1REVG motor driven switch
    NSN 6105-00-022-9954


  • 51512-5 direct current motor
    NSN 6105-00-023-0114

    2.250 inches overall height, 2.932 inches overall length, 1.500 inches overall width, 0.1720 inches single end shaft diameter

  • 4VA46 alternating current motor
    NSN 6105-00-023-1760

    3.940 inches overall height, 6.380 inches overall length, 3.940 inches overall width, 0.313 inches single end shaft diameter, counterclockwise single end shaft rotation direction

  • 8A9 motor armature
    NSN 6105-00-023-4164

    4.2000 inches overall length, 0.4360 inches overall diameter, shaft features provided, slot wound construction

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