NSN Drilldown - Spacers Shims Rings Bushings FSC 5365

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  • A02R2880-1 sleeve spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-1428


  • 128BP10022-5 ring spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-1437

    4.546 inches inside diameter, 5.125 inches outside diameter, 0.125 inches overall thickness, plastic polytetrafluoroethylene material

  • 27713-960 shim
    NSN 5365-00-044-1692

    0.125 inches outside diameter, 0.064 inches aperture diameter, one-piece construction, steel material, qq-s-698 fed spec single material response material document and classification

  • NAS43HT4-72 sleeve spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-2261

    1.1200 inches overall length, 0.3650 inches body outside diameter, 0.2560 inches body inside diameter, square all corners corner shape

  • 1-100-374-01 sleeve spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-2854

    0.2990 inches overall length, 0.4360 inches body outside diameter, 0.2170 inches body inside diameter, chamfered outside left corner corner shape

  • 54-215 sleeve spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-2859

    1.9580 inches overall length, 2.3750 inches body outside diameter, 2.3150 inches body inside diameter, square all corners corner shape

  • SS4059-15-235 sleeve spacer
    NSN 5365-00-044-3393

    2.3500 inches overall length, 0.4380 inches body outside diameter, 0.3400 inches body inside diameter, square all corners corner shape

  • 27713-959 shim
    NSN 5365-00-044-3434

    0.125 inches outside diameter, 0.064 inches aperture diameter, one-piece construction, steel material, qq-s-698 fed spec single material response material document and classification

  • 1433-643378 shim
    NSN 5365-00-044-3459

    0.28125 inches outside diameter, 0.192 inches aperture diameter, one-piece construction, steel material, passivate surface treated

  • 8201441-001 probe bushing
    NSN 5365-00-044-3906


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