NSN Drilldown - Hose And Flexible Tubing FSC 4720

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  • AE1008122E0114 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-0653

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 2nd end thread class, right-hand 2nd end , 0.250 inches inside diameter, -65.0 deg fahrenheit single response temp rating

  • 2-43807-15 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-0654

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 1st end thread class, right-hand 1st end , 0.298 inches inside diameter, -65.0 deg fahrenheit single response temp rating

  • 134C026G01 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-1601

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 0.500 inches inside diameter, 0.940 inches outside diameter, outer layer braided wire layer composition and location

  • 70-010K000A136 hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-1620

    Hose Assembly

  • 2624975 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-2168

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 1st end thread class, right-hand 1st end , 0.625 inches inside diameter, -67.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating

  • AE702248-1 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-2413

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 0.875 inches inside diameter, -65.0 deg fahrenheit single response temp rating, 1.156 inches outside diameter

  • 2-43803-45 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-2627

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 1st end thread class, right-hand 1st end , 0.219 inches inside diameter, -65.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating

  • 97402-1 metallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-2628

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 0.235 inches inside diameter, 600.0 deg fahrenheit single response temp rating, 0.439 inches outside diameter

  • 2624969-3 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-3401

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 2nd end thread class, right-hand 2nd end , 1.000 inches inside diameter, -40.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating

  • 2624965-4 nonmetallic hose assembly
    NSN 4720-00-009-3403

    Round cross-sectional shape style, 3b 2nd end thread class, right-hand 2nd end , 0.500 inches inside diameter, -40.0 deg fahrenheit temp rating

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